Above: Self-portrait by artist Katrina Franzen.
By Alison Walkley
Fairfield native Katrina Franzen is about to broaden her world and that of others as she embarks this week on a two-month trip to Ethiopia to teach HIV-positive orphans about art.
A student at Savannah College of Art and Design in Georgia, Franzen recently decided to take a break from her studies to help in AIDS-stricken Ethiopia in Eastern Africa.
“I’ll be working with Artists for Charity,” she explained via e-mail last week. “I heard about it from my friend, Abezash Tamerat in Georgia. She’s a painter and asked if I would want to be an artist in residence at [AFC]. She opened this house [three and a half years ago] to take care of kids in Ethiopia where she’s originally from. Ethiopia has lost an entire generation to AIDS so now there are all of these kids who need extra care. I’ll be going for two months with Abezash.” Read more.
Much love for you girl. Do your thing.
Hallo Katrina,
This is to send words of strong encouragement for your work !!!!!! And to warn you that you might fall in LOVE with all the people you encounter!!!
Best, best wishes from Catharina, artist in Sweden.
I am just so delighted we’ve connected. When we met at the SCAD show, I sensed something special about you. Besides your interesting wall art which I not only had a brief discussion with you about, but made a number of detail shots I think you will find interesting. I could go on and on about my positive impressions of you. It’s not so surprising that you have chosen the charity with which you are involved. It’s that inner beauty I suspected that made you so attractive.
To me, your physical beauty is an illustrative photographer’s dream. I could have almost done my whole portfolio on your exquisite face. The framing of your hair, wide set eyes, proportional nose, shapely lips, white,even teeth and narrow neck are foundations nature bestowed that I noticed almost instantly. Your creativity was a special bonus. I’d like to think you will take especially good care of your extraordinary heart, mind and body, and allow yourself the opportunity to model someday for a professional illustrator. And stay away from motorboat propellers!! –hugz