Above: Since 1961, the Peace Corps has shared with the
world America’s most precious resource—its people. Peace
Corps Volunteers serve in 76 countries in Africa, Asia, the
Caribbean, Central and South America, Europe, and the
Middle East. Collaborating with local community members,
Volunteers work in areas like education, youth outreach
and community development, the environment, and
information technology. Learn more at PeaceCorps.gov.
(Photo: During a swearing-in ceremony of Peace Corps
Volunteers in Addis in 2007.)
Walta Information Center
Addis Ababa, February 14 (WIC) – Thirty eight new Peace Corps Volunteers were officially sworn in for duty yesterday after taking an oath that they will work with their Ethiopian partner in friendship and in peace.
According to a press release issued by Paul D. Coverdell Peace Corps Headquarters, the volunteers will work in Amhara, Oromia, Tigray and SNNP states, focusing on prevention, care and support and orphan and vulnerable children on HIV/AIDS.
In a ceremony at his residence, US Ambassador to Ethiopia, Donald Yamamoto administered the volunteers’ oath and commended their dedication to helping others.
“You are all Ambassadors, and your service contributes to the partnership between the United States and Ethiopia to create a more peaceful and prosperous future for all our citizens,’’ he said. Read more.
From Peacecorps.gov
The East African nation of Ethiopia was one of the first countries to invite Peace Corps to establish its program in 1962, just one year after the Peace Corps was founded. The primary focus of the program was on education, with the goal of training skilled workers and promoting economic development. In addition, Volunteers worked in agriculture, basic education, tourism, health, economic development and teaching English as a foreign language.
In December 2007, Director Ron Tschetter swore-in 42 Peace Corps Volunteers (see also cover image), marking the return of the Peace Corps to Ethiopia. All 42 Volunteers will focus on the prevention, care, and treatment of HIV/AIDS during their service in the East African country.
The Peace Corps remained in Ethiopia until 1977 and returned again in 1995, but the program was suspended again in 2000 due to security concerns during the border war between Ethiopia and Eritrea. Since 1962, a total of 2,934 Peace Corps Volunteers have served in Ethiopia.
With the re-entry into Ethiopia, Peace Corps will work in partnership with the Government of Ethiopia, specifically with the Ministry of Health. The new program is in cooperation with the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). The Volunteers will be developing HIV/AIDS education and prevention activities, including: care and treatment; orphan and vulnerable children services; and home-based care (palliative care) services.
Learn more about the Peace Corps at peacecorps.gov.
I wanted to congratulate all of my fellow Group 2 newly sworn in Peace Corps Volunteers. We will all be the better for this amazing experience. I miss you all. Te’ena Yehabaley