World Bank Selects Nigeria, Ethiopia, Kenya In New Health Study

Image credit: RDI

Ventures Africa Magazine

Updated: February 18th, 2013

VENTURES AFRICA – Global development agency World Bank is examining Nigeria, Ethiopia, Kenya and 19 other countries around the globe for a study on Universal Health Coverage (UHC).

According to the Bank, the 22 countries were selected as samples that have significantly expanded access to health care within the last decade, with the aim of providing fiscal solutions to healthcare challenges and helping countries make more informed health policies.

The other countries are Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Georgia, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Jamaica, Kyrgyz Republic, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey and Vietnam.


Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda, Norway Co-host First GETHealth Summit at the U.N. (TADIAS)

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