Tadias Magazine
By Tadias Staff
Updated: February 19th, 2021
New York (TADIAS) — If there is one thing that the vast majority of Ethiopians around the world agree on — across the diverse political spectrum — it’s that the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam is a national pride and a homegrown solution to transform Ethiopia into an economic regional superpower, leaving behind its long-lingering image of poverty once and for all.
This weekend a diverse group of Ethiopians here in the New York area are launching a public relations initiative to help educate the international community including U.S. elected officials and American scholars about Ethiopia’s Nile river dam project, which when completed will become the largest hydropower plant in Africa.
According to the announcement “the NY Tristate Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) Support is launching its first community virtual meeting Saturday, February 20th at 2:00 PM.”
Guest speakers include Ethiopia’s Minister of Water, Irrigation and Energy Dr. Seleshi Bekele and Ethiopia’s Ambassador to the United Nations Taye Atske, as well as Lemlem Fiseha, member of GERD Negotiating Team (New York).
“We Ethiopians and American-Ethiopians in the New York-TriState area formed the GERD Support group in September 2020 to advocate the completion of the GERD’s construction to realize its peaceful and equitable agenda by mobilizing the public and financial support needed,” Wondmagegne Masresha, Chair of the New York Tristate GERD support group, said in a statement. “As part of our advocacy, we have sent GERD fact sheets and advocacy letters to US Senators, House Representatives, research institutes and think thank groups.”
Dr. Bisrat Aklilu, a member of the GERD Support Group, added that the local initiative is “keen to join forces and work together with similar Ethiopian and American GERD supporters and advocates in other US states.”
If You Attend:
NY Tristate GERD Support Virtual Launch Event
Feb 20, 2:00 PM – 3:15 PM
Zoom Link:
Click register and receive your meeting ID and passcode
More info at www.NYtristate4GERD.org
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