Above: Grammy-nominated musician Kenna’s January trip to
Mount Kilimanjaro is a subject of an upcoming film that will air
on MTV on sunday March 14 at 9 pm ET.
Tadias Magazine
By Tadias Staff
Published: Friday, March 12, 2010
New York (Tadias) – You may remember our recent interview with Grammy-nominated Ethiopian-American musician Kenna (né Kenna Zemedkun) from camp base Tanzania as he prepared to lead a team of friends – including Jessica Biel, Lupe Fiasco, Isabel Lucas, Elizabeth Gore, and Alexandra Cousteau – to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest peak and one of the world’s largest stratovolcanoes, in an effort to raise more awareness about the global clean water crisis. On Sunday, March 15th, MTV will air a documentary about the climb.
“When you go by yourself and you’re on a solo mission, it’s not necessarily something that registers at the end of the day. No one has your back. Getting to the top of Kilimanjaro this time had everything to do with the fact that I had an army with me,” Kenna told MTV News. “Some of us would literally look at each other and say, ‘If you weren’t here, I wouldn’t have made it.’ Our director, Mike Bonfiglio, was basically watching Isabel Lucas, and saw her dedication when she was really, really ill at the top of this mountain. And he, literally, was like, ‘She made it, I’ve got to do this.’ ”
According to MTV, Kenna’s friend Justin Timberlake will introduce the film. The 90-minute documentary will premiere on Sunday (March 14) at 9 p.m. ET.
Related from Tadias Magazine: Interview with Kenna
Video from MTV News
Video: Kenna’s Speech about Summit on the Summit
Kenna Youtube music video
Yeneh Ababa (Rose) – Kenna