Tadias Magazine
Events News
Published: Monday, March 19, 2012
Washington, D.C. (TADIAS) – The 2012 Environmental Film Festival in the nation’s capital features a new documentary that highlights the impact of global climate change in Ethiopia and how the Borana people in the Oromia region are dealing with the declining supply of freshwater in their communities. The 55 minute film entitled The Well: Water Voices from Ethiopia is directed by Italian filmmakers Paolo Barberi, Mario Michelini and Riccardo Russo.
The events announcement reads: “Each year, when the dry season arrives in Oromia (Ethiopia), the Borana herders gather with their livestock around their ancient ‘singing’ wells. With a sensitive approach and evocative photography, the film follows their life during a major drought, showing a unique water management system that permits them to survive with the little available water. In a dry land of astonishing beauty, during the long periods of annual drought, the Borana life revolves around ancient perpetual wells, the only resource against the tragic effects of global climate change.”
Founded in 1993, the festival in Washington D.C. has become one of the world’s largest and most influential showcases of environmental films and a major collaborative cultural event. Each March, documentaries, features, animations and shorts are shown, as well as archival, experimental and children’s film at venues throughout the city.
If You Go:
Tuesday, March 20 at 3pm
The World Bank, IFC Auditorium
2121 Pennsylvania Ave., NW.
Use K St. entrance at 21st & K Sts.
(Metro: Foggy Bottom)
Ticket/Reservation Info:
FREE. RSVP to infoshopevents@worldbank.org.
Please arrive early for security clearance.
For the complete schedule, please visit www.dcenvironmentalfilmfest.org.