Tadias Magazine
By Tadias Staff
Published: Wednesday, March 23rd, 2016
New York (TADIAS) — A women’s education fellowship in honor of Dr. Maigenet Shifferraw, the former President of the Center for the Rights of Ethiopian Women (CREW), has been launched by her family to provide scholarship and seed money for those working on issues affecting Ethiopian women and children.
“During its first award cycle, The Maigenet Shifferraw Fellowship will consist of two components,” states the press release. The fellowship includes a “scholarship of $5,000 for an awardee who is working on a thesis or dissertation in areas concerning Ethiopian women and children [as well as] seed-money of $5,000 to support women in Ethiopia who deserve to start small businesses and training in the form of micro-credits.” For the 2017 award cycle the family has announced a GoFundMe campaign to directly fund the scholarship and seed-money initiatives.
“The administration of the Maigenet Shifferraw Fellowship is currently run by her family and will include board members, participation by invited scholars, and collaborations with other non-profit organizations in the coming months.”
Dr. Maigenet Shifferraw passed away last month at the age of 68, and had dedicated her life as an educator and an activist for women’s rights. She taught as an Associate Professor in adult education at the University of the District of Columbia for 20 years as well as served as an education consultant at the World Bank and the U.S. Department of Education.
You can learn more and make a contribution at www.gofundme.com/maigenetshifferraw
Tribute to Women’s Rights Advocate Dr. Maigenet Shifferraw
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