Above: US Ambassador David Shinn giving a talk on US Policy
in the Horn of Africa at the 2009 OSA mid-year conference in
Washington D.C, Howard University. Credit: American
Source: The official blog of Ambassador David Shinn
The Ambassador writes: Donald N. Levine, Peter B. Ritzma Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of Chicago, recently mentioned me in his article The Obama Presidency & Ethiopia: Time for Fresh Thought, New Departures in Tadias Magazine. According to its website, Tadias (which means ‘hi,’ ‘what’s up?’ or ‘how are you?’) is ‘the leading lifestyle and business publication devoted exclusively to the Ethiopian-American community in the United States.’ Having recently celebrated its sixth year of publication, Tadias “is also a medium of communication for those who have academic, business, professional or personal interest in the Ethiopian-American community.” Read more.
From File: The Obama Presidency & Ethiopia
President Barack Obama (center) and Prime Minister
Meles Zenawi (top right) at the Group of 20 summit
meeting in London.
Tadias Magazine
Time for Fresh Thought
By Donald N. Levine
Published: Monday, March 23, 2009
New York (Tadias) – Throughout 2008 I published articles on links between Ethiopia’s needs and the promises of an Obama presidency. Now that President Obama is in office, what might we project? What, that is, might it mean to reconsider U.S. relations with Ethiopia in ways that align them with the orientations of an Obama presidency?
Eyeing policies the Obama administration has already implemented and earlier statements suggests at least half a dozen aims: 1) employ state-of-the art technologies to advance human welfare; 2) develop energy sources to replace fossil fuels, and in other ways conserve natural environments; 3) link upgraded education and health services with a strengthened economy; 4) avoid sharp polarities of pronouncement and of conduct; 5) curtail terrorist tactics, but in smart ways; and 6) restore moral direction for a market economy and public service from the citizenry. In what follows I explore implications of those principles and priorities for U.S. relations with Ethiopia. Read more.