Tadias Magazine
By Tadias Staff
Published: Monday, May 4th 2009
New York (TADIAS) – Part two of Tadias TV’s Ethiopians in Hollywood series features writer and director Zeresenay (Zee) Berhane Mehari, who worked as Cinematographer and Second Unit Director on Aida Ashenafi’s highly acclaimed new film Guzo (Amharic for Journey).
The film, which won best picture at the 2009 Addis International Film Festival, chronicles the interaction between two young residents of Addis Ababa and their peers in the Ethiopian countryside. Over the course of 20-days both the urbanites and country folks are forced to confront stereotypes about each other and grapple with issues of gender and privilege. The film is scheduled to premier in Washington DC on May 9th at the Lisner Theater (GWU).
Zee first appeared on Tadias on our June-July 2004 print issue. The following interview was taped in Los Angeles last month. Part one of this series highlighted Academy Award nominee Leelai Demoz, who discussed his role as one of the judges at the 2009 Addis International Film Festival and his experience as a filmmaker.
Part one: Academy Award Nominated Director Leelai Demoz;
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Way to go. Wonderful people at heart really. Bravo. It is great to see high caliber young, fast talents that are aware of their tradition. I wish they were more of you. If I can get your address, I would like to call you.
From the continent of Africa.
Lovely. Good job Zee and congrats to Aida and the crew at Mango. Keep it up..I look forward to seeing the film. Any plans to show it in the West Coast?
I have the opportunity to see the screening of Guzo last January in Addis and I was delightfully surprised with the high quality of cinematography work which is a testament to Zee’s talent and know how. In addition it was just breath taking to witness the beautiful countryside of Ethiopia and the humble existence of our country men…Once again congrats with the Award and keep-up the good job.
Epharim Berhane Mehari(Atlanta)
Zee…I hope that Guzo will screen in Los Angeles. I would love to see it and I know for a fact that you did an amazing job!
I have not seen the film yet but it seems like it will be very good, I wish more of these western educated Ethiopians do films that educate their fellow countrymen. We will be expecting something from Leelai Demoz soon.