CNN’s African Voices Profiles Marcus Samuelsson

Tadias Magazine

By Tadias Staff

Published: Tuesday, May 25, 2010

New York (TADIAS) – This week CNN’s African Voices, a weekly show which explores the lives and passions of Africa’s most engaging personalities, profiles celebrity chef Marcus Samuelsson.

The Ethiopian-born Chef, who lives in Harlem with his wife, model Maya Haile, was invited by the White House last fall to prepare the Obama’s first State Dinner. First Lady Michelle Obama called him “one of the finest chefs in the country.” Samuelsson was the youngest-ever chef to receive a three-star restaurant review from The New York Times in 1995. He has won three James Beard Awards, a prestigious recognition that is akin to “winning the Olympic gold medal for chefs.” Samuelsson has been named as one of “The Great Chefs of America” by the Culinary Institute of America.

Watch the Video: Marcus tells CNN how he got his break


TADIAS Interview With Marcus Samuelsson: White House State Dinner, His New Book And More

Marcus Samuelsson’s New Restuarnt To Pay Tribute To A Harlem Speakeasy

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7 Responses to “CNN’s African Voices Profiles Marcus Samuelsson”

  1. 1 Ayu May 26th, 2010 at 12:08 am

    Cool. Enjoyed it very much. Great video! Thanks!

  2. 2 Emmy May 26th, 2010 at 8:40 am

    Thanks CNN. I am proud of u Samulson u r Ethiopian/African Ambassador to the rest of the world. Great job!

  3. 3 Abera May 27th, 2010 at 11:24 am

    Hi! My beloved sisters and brothers. Always I am proud of your great efforts. Your web site “TADIAS” is my favorite page.

    Thanks very much

    Kebede Abera

  4. 4 Derege (N. Carolina) May 27th, 2010 at 11:53 am

    Thanks for this. Its wonderful to see people are that are hard working and inspiring like Marcus. I respect the fact that Marcus is so proud of all of his triple heritage (Ethiopian, Swedish and American). But I enjoy how he subtly communicates his pride in his Ethiopian/African side. He is cool. Wishing him much success in the future as well! Beautiful wife toooo!

  5. 5 Martha Endale May 27th, 2010 at 12:26 pm

    Hi Marcus,

    Do you have any plans to open a culinary school in Ethiopia? I don’t know if you know, but Ethiopians in general have this chauvinistic attitude that boys do not belong in the kitchen. I think a school and education is one way to fight this ignorance that cooking is only for the girls. In my opinion, the situation in Ethiopia will be quickly improved if Ethiopian men cooked and women run the country. Because the guys have miserably failed in the latter :) No Bull!


  6. 6 Brooks May 28th, 2010 at 10:13 pm

    Martha Endale–honorable Lady!!

    About Cookings!!!

    After driving a Bus all day on Madison avenue in New York City, Ralph (Jakie Gleason in the Honey Mooners) came home said to his wife (Audrey Meadow), Alice!!, I am home, What is for dinner? That was then in America too, when it comes to the Kitchen domain of women, I don’t think it is only Ethiopian women cultural domain when cooking in the kitchen comes in our family. It is a women thing we men always “eye candy” in our weakness. For your information I have been fixing our breakfast in my family till my three children graduated from School for 27 years a few blocks where Sami & Maya live. In 1984 my mother came to visit me just before the famous famine news splashed on our Tv. She shunned my cooked breakfast why? you have answerd it.Thanks,with respect.

  7. 7 Marcus Barton-Sconiers Jul 13th, 2012 at 2:01 pm

    Being of African – Latin decent, I have always loved my African people and heritage. The Ancient Ethiopian people have always been a light of inspiration to many Pan-Africans across the globe. This is a positive story when so much of the news is negative. Thanks for giving me something else to be proud of Marcus….

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