Tadias Magazine
By Tadias Staff
Published: Saturday, May 28th, 2016
New York (TADIAS) — This week, the Washington Business Journal highlights the inspiring story of Ethiopian American entrepreneur Henok Tesfaye who built his U Street Parking business — which now extends from D.C. to NYC and Addis Ababa — with very little startup capital but big drive to succeed.
“Henok turned $50 and a valet gig into one of D.C.’s largest parking lot empires,” notes The Business Journal’s feature entitled The Triumphant Park King.
“It all started at the surface lot on 18th Street in Adams Morgan adjacent to the bar Madam’s Organ. Now Henok Tesfaye leads a local parking empire.”
Read the full article at www.bizjournals.com »
Washington’s Ethiopian ‘car park king’ (BBC News)
Young parking lot czar is the face of Ethiopian success in the D.C. area (The Washington Post)
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