Tadias Magazine
Events News
Updated: Friday, June 25, 2010
New York (Tadias) – We recently received a call from one of our readers in Tennessee. “I have just learned that I have been selected as a finalist at the biggest pageant featuring African beauty queens in the United States,” the young woman said. “And as part of my micro project for the competition, I need to publicize the upcoming event within my community.”
23-year old Sofia Bushen will represent Ethiopia at the 2010 Miss Africa USA contest, scheduled for July 24, 2010 in Silver Spring, Maryland.
The pageant aims to foster confident African women leaders both at home and here in the U.S.
“The vision is for African girls in America to shine the spotlight on Africa,” organizers say through their website. It helps the participants “tell their stories to the world and inspire one another, and build self esteem.”
Past winners of the competition have gone on to join forces with major charity organizations in the U.S. such as Habitat for Humanity, Concern USA, Russell Simmons’s Diamond Empowerment Fund, to help raise money for charitable causes benefiting communities in Africa and the United States. Most notably, Miss Teizue Gayflor, Miss Africa USA 2006-2007 toured Liberia in 2007 on a mission to promote education for school children and conducted a series of radio and television interviews calling for peace and reconciliation.
Video: Meet Sofia Bushen, finalist at the 2010 Miss Africa USA contest, in her own words
Learn more about Miss Africa USA at www.missafricaunitedstates.com.
Cover photo provided courtesy of Sofia Bushen.
looked a bit nervous in the first part. Need few more practice to master speaking in front of the camera or people etc…other than that you obviously have the passion. Ayzosh yagere qonjo!
Hey Sofie…you remember me from school? all the best!!
The purpose of modeling or beauty contest is ONLY to tell the world that you are better than others. We have many Ethiopians who strive for intellectual growth… particularly in the rular region, and examine the daily struggle of our brothers and sisters. We can learn and be inspired by these people not by women who is so obssesed with their beauty. We have been portrayed as “the poorest nation”, “third world people”, “beggers”. I wonder how this can improve our image? We Ethiopian women need to embrase dignity, and intellectual growth.
Martha, what are you? An intellectual? You make absolutely no sense. I have a Ph.D. in Philosophy and I drive a cab in Oakland. Please don’t call me an intellectual. In my opinion, your argument is lame. All of us, including Sofia, are entitled to our god-giving rights, as individuals, including the right to pursue whatever makes us happy in life..be it Miss Africa USA or driving a taxi.
Sofia yene konjo I wish you all the best in your upcoming competition. What you have already achieved by becoming a finalist have accorded you and the other fellow African ladies a place in the history books of the Miss Africa USA pageant. Congratulations! I am sure you already know this, so I am probably preaching to the quire, do not listen to negative people. They are a vexation to the spirit. Just pray over your dreams and focus on what you want to achieve and work hard and give it your 100%. God will take care of the rest. And please know that the vast silent majority of Ethiopians are behind you!! None of us questions your motives, I don’t. All the best to you!!!
First I want to say congratulations to Sofia and wish you all the best. I am very proud of you!!
With all due respect to Martha, I find your comments not offensive, but highly laughable. There are many ways bringing honor to Ethiopia. I know it makes you embarrassed, but as a former miss Ethiopia, I can assure you that there is nothing more thrilling than to represent and bring honor to your beloved country in the world stage. Try it! There are generations of pageant queens from around all corners of the globe (all colors, shades, and backgrounds) who have done and continue to do an amazing and incredible job for our planet and (FYI) Miss Africa U.S.A is one of them! Please stop the anger. There is so much to live for than to be angry and disagreeable all the time. Thank you.
Is the event open to the public? I am not far from Sliver Spring so I would like to go with my daughter. Thank you in advance and congratulations Sofia and good luck in the finals!!
Dear Martha, Selam, Ye Oak Town Lij and Miss World Ethiopia,
I really respect and apperciate your opinion. I respect any person’s opinion and even criticism. Cause I dont expect others to think like the way I perceive the world. I really encourage you all to visit my website http://www.ethiosbesttoday.com. It will help you to see where I started my journey to help Ethiopia and where I am headed.
Jorga, yes, it is open to the public. You can check the event’s website for more information at http://www.missafricaunitedstates.com I really would love to see many Ethiopians stand by me because the success would be an illusion without others’ support and help.
Thank You all
Bring me gold…Ye Africa konjo!!
I am amazed and delighted these days to see my beautiful Ethiopian Girls pursuing the Modeling Carrier. Sofia my dear!!-you are in this business don’t listen to anybody, go for it you will win.
Martha!!-A dead chicken in a kitchen ends up in one form only to its prey. You have to chose only one: grilled, Wot, fried–etc. could not be all. Our Sofi is pursuing a carrier, couldn’t be all to satisfy every issue. Thanks.
Dear Sofia – Wishing you good luck from Ethiopia!!!!
Sofi, I am proud of you. I hope you will be successful.