Ethiopia, Botswana, Dominican Republic Improve Food Security

Participants of a field trip in the Wheat for Food Security in Africa conference examining wheat in a plastic bag in Debre Zeit, Ethiopia, Oct. 10, 2012. (AP)

VOA News

July 02, 2013

Ethiopia, Botswana and the Dominican Republic made the largest gains in food security in the past year, according to a new report.

Increases in income and food availability in developing countries drove the largest improvements in this year’s Global Food Security Index, published by the Economist Intelligence Unit. Botswana ranked number 43 out of 107 countries studied. But most of sub-Saharan Africa scored low. Even with this year’s gains, Ethiopia is number 90.

Meanwhile, economic losses in Greece and Ukraine pushed those countries down the index.

Democratic reform and political stability were linked to improvements in food security in Burma and Sri Lanka, while conflict pushed Mali, Yemen and Syria down the index.

The index comprises 27 measures of food affordability, availability and quality. It is funded by the seed and chemical company DuPont.

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