Above: Per Bloomberg News: “Coffee shipments fell 22
percent to 133,993 metric tons from 170,888 tons a
year ago, the lowest since fiscal 2003, when they
measured 126,100 tons, the Ministry of Trade and
Industry said in an e-mailed statement, dated July 17.
Coffee earnings declined to $375.8 million in the fiscal
year through July 7 from $525.2 million a year earlier,
it said.”
By Jason McLure
Last Updated: July 20, 2009
July 20 (Bloomberg) — Coffee exports from Ethiopia, Africa’s largest producer of the beans, fell 28 percent to the lowest level in six years after a drought cut harvests. Read more.
Related from Tadias – Ethiopian Coffee via Kansas (Interview)
Tadias Magazine
By Tadias Staff
Published: Saturday, March 21, 2009
New York (Tadias) – While Starbucks lags behind on their promise to open a support center for its coffee farmers in Ethiopia, Kansas-based Revocup Coffee Roasters is giving back 10 cents for every cup of coffee and 1 dollar for every pound of coffee sold. After revisiting their birth place, the founders of Revocup wanted to change what they saw as the “deteriorating life” of Ethiopian coffee farmers (well-described in the documentary Black Gold). Ethiopia is known as the birthplace of coffee, and the coffee ceremony is an integral part of the nation’s heritage, which is yet another reason Revocup is keen on promoting fair trade for Ethiopian coffee. Tadias recently interviewed Habte Mesfin about Revocup: Read more.