Tadias Magazine
By Tadias Staff
Published: Sunday, July 19th, 2015
New York (TADIAS) — Ethiopian Animator and Artist Abel Tilahun will give a talk at the Independent Curators International hub in New York City on Tuesday, July 21st, 2015. Abel teaches at American University in Washington D.C. and his recent exhibition entitled “Curvature of Events” was featured at Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden New Master’s Gallery in Germany. In 2013 Abel submitted a commercial for Dorritos ‘Crash the Superbowl’ contest.
“By bringing classical training in drawing and sculpture into the digital realm, Abel Tilahun’s work explores the space between traditional and emerging art forms in different cultures and contexts,” states the ICI Curatorial Hub announcement of the upcoming talk. “Tilahun will discuss the transnational nature of his work with ICI’s Renaud Proch and present his practice through recent and upcoming exhibitions and projects.”
Abel is a graduate of the School of Fine Art & Design at Addis Ababa University and obtained a Masters in Fine Arts from Adams State College in Colorado in 2010.
If You Go:
DATE & TIME: Tuesday, July 21st, 2015
6:30pm to 8pm
Location: ICI Curatorial Hub
401 Broadway, Suite 1620, NYC
This event is free and open to the public. To attend please RSVP to rsvp@curatorsintl.org with ABEL in the subject line.
More info and update at Independent Curators International
Ethiopia Exhibition Featuring Multimedia Artist and Animator Abel Tilahun
Three Ethiopian Animators Vie For Doritos Superbowl AD Grand Prize
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