Tadias Magazine
By Tadias Staff
Published: Wednesday, July 20th, 2016
New York (TADIAS) — The 2016 Ethiopian Diaspora Conference on Health care and Medical Education will be held on September 17th in Springfield, Virginia.
The annual conference, which celebrates its eighth anniversary this year, is organized by People to people (P2P), Inc., a U.S.-based NGO established in 1999 in the state of Kentucky as a non-profit organization to serve as network of Ethiopian health care professionals practicing abroad.
P2P announced topics scheduled to be discussed at the upcoming gathering include “Promoting Neuroscience in Ethiopia; The Global movement to scale up mental health care: The case of Ethiopia; Diaspora Partnership Projects; as well as Abstract and Poster Presentations on Health Related Topics relevant to Ethiopia.”
The 2016 Scientific Conference Chair is Professor Yonas E. Geda of Mayo Clinic in Arizona.
If You Go:
Saturday, September 17th, 2016
7:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Location: Hilton Springfield
6550 Loisdale Road,
Springfield, Virginia 22150
P2P Survey Studies Use of Complementary Medicine Among Ethiopians in U.S.
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