Tadias Magazine
By Tadias Staff
Updated: July 24th, 2024
New York (TADIAS) – In late May, Haile-Manas Academy (HMA) in Ethiopia celebrated two significant milestones: the graduation of its pioneering first class of seniors and the official opening of the school.
Haile-Manas Academy, a premier private college preparatory boarding school located in Debre Birhan, provides high-achieving and goal-oriented Ethiopian students with a world-class education. The academy is dedicated to nurturing critical thinkers, enterprising problem-solvers, and community-minded individuals.
HMA’s journey has been closely followed by Tadias Magazine since its inception. We previously featured the
academy before its doors opened and have documented its growth. The graduation of the Class of 2024 is not only a testament to the academy’s success but also reflects the incredible potential of its students.
The event celebrated the vision of co-founder Rebecca Haile and her team, who have worked tirelessly to establish HMA as one of the top high schools in Ethiopia, offering an international-standard curriculum on a state-of-the-art campus. Rebecca, a lawyer, mother, author, entrepreneur, and philanthropist, together with her co-founder and husband Jean Manas, has been a prominent figure in this initiative, emphasizing the importance of investing in Ethiopia’s future.
Asked to comment on the celebration, Rebecca said,
It was a fantastic day start to finish! After five years of hard work, during a period that encompassed the pandemic and the war in the north, it was just exhilarating to celebrate our first graduation and “official” opening, together with friends and family who contributed to the school’s first years in so many critical ways. I’m very excited to see what is next for our seniors, who will soon be studying in great colleges and universities in Ethiopia and abroad, and for the coming years on campus as we take the school to even higher heights.”
Haile-Manas Academy’s success story is a shining example of how Ethiopian Americans are contributing to the development of their ancestral homeland. As we honor the achievements of HMA’s first graduating class, we also celebrate the academy’s commitment to providing a transformative education that empowers Ethiopia’s future leaders.
The school is in midst of finalizing admissions for September 2024; interested families can still apply via the school website here.
You can learn more about The Haile-Manas Academy and support the Ethiopia Education Initiatives at ethiopiaeducationinitiatives.org
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