Above: If you’re wondering what a legitimate heavyweight
fight (anywhere) and a relatively obscure exhibition in Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia, have in common, we just found out: At some
point, a guy needs to get paid. Evander Holyfield was scheduled
to receive up to $1 million to fight Sammy Retta this past weekend
in Ethiopia, a fundraiser to fight the spread of AIDS in the country.
But according to Holyfield’s manager, Ken Sanders, payment never
was received. So the event was postponed (if not canceled).
Read more at the The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
ADDIS ABABA — Former world heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield’s exhibition match in Ethiopia has been postponed for September, his opponent Sammy Retta told AFP on Monday. The fight, to raise funds for AIDS, was set to take place in Addis Ababa on July 26, but organisers had to reschedule after a request from the government. “The government wanted the match to correspond with Ethiopia’s new year celebrations on September 11, so we both agreed,” Retta said in a phone interview. Read more.
Watch Sammy’s recent interview with addisallaround.com
Ha! Is this not the same Ethiopian government being taken to court in the UK because Mohamouda Gaas and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism invited many International beauty Queens to Ethiopia in 2007 for the Ethiopian Millennium and have since then failed to pay the organisers?.
The same thieves now want to Lure Evander Holyfield to Ethiopia under false promises to pay him then **** him too?
Evander please stay in Atlanta unless you get your money up front, the world has now known about these thieves and how they behave when it comes to money matters, they promise you heaven and Earth to come to Ethiopia then **** them
EVANDER “Don’t worry about Your US$1,000,000″ means WORRY A LOT
first this is joke b\c the income is not going for HIV.the fighter may have a purpose for HIV.their aim is good and we love to see their fight.but i am really sure the income is not going for HIV.i think it is for Ethiopia national defense because the war is in front of us like Somalia.
from A.A.university.