Foreign policy lures ‘Obamacans’

Above: Senator Obama chats with his sister Maya
(Photo: Hawaii for Obama)

Financial Times

By Edward Luce in Washington

Published: August 13 2008

Barack Obama yesterday netted the endorsement of three prominent Republicans, including Jim Leach and Lincoln Chafee, both of whom lost their congressional seats to Democratic opponents in the 2006 mid-term elections.

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Jim Leach and Lincoln Chafee

The announcement boosts the ranks of so-called “Obamacans” and is likely to fuel speculation about the possibility of bigger names – such as Colin Powell, former secretary of state, and Chuck Hagel, the Republican senator for Nebraska – also endorsing the presumptive Democratic nominee.

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Colin Powell and Chuck Hagel

Describing Mr Obama’s call for change as “more renewal than departure” and thus in line with traditional conservative principles, Mr Leach said: “This is simply not a time for politics as usual . . . I have no doubt that a lot of Republicans will be attracted to Obama in spite of the flaws in this year’s primary process.” Read More.


















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