Above: USDFA has sent large supplies of medical equipment
to help furnish a new hospital under construction in Ethiopia.
Tadias Magazine
By Tadias Staff
Published: Sunday, August 22, 2010
New York (Tadias) – US Doctors for Africa, a California based NGO, announced that it has shipped nearly $300,000 worth of medical equipment to Ethiopia.
The cargo, which also contains medical supplies, is intended to furnish a new hospital under construction in the Oromo region of Ethiopia.
According to USDFA’s Founder and CEO Ted Alemayhu, the material is being delivered through the local health authorities. “Members of the Oromo regional government officials have expressed their advance gratitude to USDFA for the vital support in providing the supplies to the hospital,” Mr. Alemayhu told Tadias. “The facility currently being built would provide some vital healthcare services to over 350,000 people.”
Mr. Alemayhu said USDFA mobilizes American healthcare professionals to engage in service in Africa, and also plans to send volunteers to the area on a regular basis. “Besides sending the medical equipments and supplies, we plan to send medical personnel to the region for short term missions year round,” he said.
You can learn more about U.S. Doctors for Africa at USDFA.org.