Above: She beat out 82 other beauty queens hailing from six
continents. Ethiopia was not represented at the 2010 contest.
TODAY Staff and Wire
LAS VEGAS — Beauty queens from Albania to Zambia flew to Las Vegas to compete in the 2010 Miss Universe pageant. The winner turned out to have one of the shortest commutes.
Miss Mexico Jimena Navarrete, 22, won the pageant after donning a flowing red gown and telling an audience that it’s important to teach kids family values.
Her one-strap gown flowed behind her as she held it out like a cape. Earlier she smiled in a violet bikini as she confidently strutted across the stage.
Asked by Olympic gold-medal figure skater Evan Lysacek how she felt about unsupervised Internet use, Navarrete said the Web is important but parents need to be careful and watch over their kids.
Navarrete beat out another North American competitor: Miss Jamaica Yendi Phillipps. Second runner-up was Miss Australia Jesinta Campbell. Read more.
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Group photo of Miss Ethiopia 2010 contestants -WorldShowBiz.