Tadias Magazine
By Tadias Staff
Published: Wednesday, August 24th, 2016
New York (TADIAS) — As the Ethiopian New Year approaches so are the announcements of annual concerts, fundraising parties, and public celebrations in various Ethiopian communities across the U.S. from coast to coast. And for the past 12 years — rain or shine and under various administrations — the city of San Jose, California has held a flag raising ceremony celebrating the rich and diverse heritage of its vibrant Ethiopian American population and in celebration of the Ethiopian New Year, which this year will be held on September 9th.
The Ethiopian-American Council (EAC) — the sponsor of the annual seven-day-long celebration that kicks-off with the tri-color flag raising ceremony at San Jose City Hall — announced that this year’s event also recognizes the current wave of peaceful demonstrations taking place across Ethiopia. In a press release EAC said the event will “honor the heritage of the Ethiopian-American community of San Jose and to show solidarity with protesters in Ethiopia..the flag raising coincides with the beginning of a week-long celebration of the traditional Ethiopian New Year.”
The non-profit organization said it “encourages all members of the Ethiopian community and their friends who are living in the Bay Area to dress in green, yellow, and red (flag colors) and celebrate with the EAC and civic leaders at the flag raising and the following festivities.”
The press release added: “The San Jose City Mayor, Vice-Mayor, and City Council Members will be in attendance. The EAC and the Ethiopian-American community at large are extremely appreciative of the time and the energy that city officials have devoted to this annual event. The EAC especially wants to thank the citizens of San Jose for their recognition of the diversity that has made this country so great.”
If You Go:
San Jose 12th Annual Ceremonial Ethiopian Heritage Flag Raising
Friday, September 9th, at 05:00PM
San Jose New City Hall
200 East Santa Clara Street.
San Jose, CA
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