Tadias Magazine
By Tadias Staff
Published: Saturday, August 27th, 2016
New York (TADIAS) — Having performed 85 concerts in six countries, and reaching an audience of more than 60,000 since their inception in 2011, The Nile Project is kicking off their 2016 tour in the United States with a performance and workshop at Lincoln Center in NYC on Friday Sept. 16th.
The Nile Project is a collaboration of musicians and artists from 11 Nile countries to empower, educate and develop connections through creative cross-cultural interactions — and has presented workshops at 40 universities reaching more than 10,000 students — using art for peace-making and social change.
During the group’s European premiere in Brussels, Belgium this summer the musical ensemble was praised by The Partnering Initiative (TPI) for its “performances of stunning, energetic, unusual music, which are collaboratively composed under the musical direction of Ethiopian-American saxophonist Danny Mekonnen during two-week residencies.”
The Nile Project performing in Brussels, Belgium, July 2016. (Photo: ENile Project Facebook)
Ethiopian-American Saxophonist Danny Mekonnen, right. (Photo: In Brussels, Belgium, July 2016/Nile Project)
The NYC performance takes place “one week before the UN General Assembly, with themes of Art, Environment and Art, and Conflict,” the announcement highlights. “How can art heal the wounds and divisions of conflict? How can art affect the policies and practices that impact the world’s most significant environmental challenges?”
Participating musicians include Jorga Mesfin (Ethiopia), Hany Bedair (Egypt), Mohamed Abozekry (Egypt), Nader Elshaer (Egypt), Selamnesh Zemene (Ethiopia), Steven Sogo (Burundi).
The New York Times reviewed the Nile Project’s performance at Global Fest last year noting: “The musicians had worked out the nuances of modes and rhythms to join one another’s songs, no longer separated by geography or politics.”
If You Go:
The Nile Project 2016 Tour
Friday, September 16, 2016 at 3:00 PM
Jazz at Lincoln Center’s Appel Room
10 Columbus Circle
New York, NY 10019
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