Above: Ethiopian cultural icon Mahmoud Ahmed will perform
in New York City at SOB’s on Saturday, September 18, 2010.
Tadias Magazine
Events News
Published: Wednesday, September 1, 2010
New York (Tadias) – Legendary Ethiopian singer Mahmoud Ahmed will take center-stage in New York City at the Sounds of Brazil (SOB’s) on Saturday, September 18th, 2010.
The event, sponsored by Massinko Entertainment, aims to serve as a post-New Year and pre-Meskel celebration for the Ethiopian-American community in New York and surrounding states. The Ethiopian calendar marks New Year on September 11th and the annual holiday Meskel takes place on 17 Meskerem (September 27).
Mahmoud Ahmed, winner of the 2007 BBC Music Awards for Africa, “is both a living legend and something of a mystery in the West,” wrote Garth Cartwright during the Radio station’s recognition of the artist three years ago. “Undeniably Ethiopia’s most famous singer of its ‘golden era,’ the three albums reissued of his recordings by French label Buda Musique as part of their Ethiopiques series have captured Western listeners.” For Ethiopians everywhere, Mahmoud Ahmed is like family, the writer adds. “It appears Ahmed is so valued by Ethiopians – both at home and the Diaspora – he’s too busy singing for weddings and private events to give much thought to Western audiences.”
The artist’s last appearance in New York occurred two years ago at a Lincoln Center outdoor music event.
If You Go:
Massinko Entertainment Presents Mahmoud Ahmed
Saturday September 18th, 2010
SOB’s (204 Varick Street, @ w. Houston)
Tickets $30 in Advance • Doors open 11pm to 4am
Limited Seating Available
For reservations call
201.220.3442 • 202.340.1111
Cover Image: Mahmoud Ahmed at Damrosch’s Park, NYC, on Wednesday, August 20, 2008. (Photo by Trent Wolbe/Tadias File)
Video: extrait du 52′ sur Mahmoud Ahmed & Either/Orchestra