Obama & McCain to Make First Post-Convention Joint Appearance at Columbia University

Columbia University

In their first joint appearance since the party conventions, presidential nominees John McCain and Barack Obama will discuss service and civic engagement in the post-9/11, post-Katrina world during the primetime televised “ServiceNation Presidential Candidates Forum” on the evening of Thursday, Sept. 11, hosted by Columbia University in the City of New York, as part of the ServiceNation Summit.

The Forum is being organized by ServiceNation, a dynamic new coalition of 110 organizations that has a collective reach of some 100 million Americans and is dedicated to strengthening democracy and solving problems through civic engagement and service.

The presidential candidates forum will kickoff the bipartisan ServiceNation Summit, held on Sept. 11-12, and ServiceNation’s national campaign to expand voluntary community and national service opportunities for all Americans. PBS NewsHour anchor Judy Woodruff will join moderator Richard Stengel, managing editor of TIME magazine, to question the candidates—who will appear separately—about their views on the meaning and importance of service.

The in-depth, back-to-back interviews will begin at 8:00 p.m. ET before a live audience of Sept. 11 family members, military veterans, thought leaders, and Columbia University students. New York Gov. David Paterson will welcome the audience before the start of the event.

Given its longstanding commitment to civic engagement in and outside the classroom, with its wide array of service learning, volunteer action and social entrepreneurship programs, Columbia University is honored to serve as host for a forum about an idea that is so central to our society and to the mission of higher education.

Information for Columbia Students on ServiceNation Tickets

3 Responses to “Obama & McCain to Make First Post-Convention Joint Appearance at Columbia University”

  1. 1 Elizabeth Sep 5th, 2008 at 8:23 am

    It’s a shame Sarah Palin does not think very highly of the tremendous efforts of these 100 million people (community organizers, but I would like to say “Thank you” for your service to our nation and for hosting this session on Sept 11. Elizabeth

  2. 2 Kdigs Sep 5th, 2008 at 11:49 am

    Will McCain get the questions ahead of time again?

  3. 3 LTBROWN Sep 6th, 2008 at 11:28 am

    I would love to ask John McCain;
    Does it even matter to you that 95% of America are against the conflict in Iraq and support immediate troop withdrawal?

    To Obama;
    I am a Community Organizer. I heard about you years ago and your work with the family of the Steel plant. I want to know.
    Will your campaign please allow, soon be VP, Joe Biden to take to task Pitbull Palin about her outright disregard for those of us who really take care of each other FOR our country?

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