Tadias Magazine
Events News
Published: Wednesday, September 11, 2013
New York (TADIAS) – Ethiopians around the world are celebrating New Year Enkutatash today. In the United States the festivities began this past weekend with the annual California outdoor cultural festivals in Los Angeles and the Bay Area.
The Mercury News reported that hundreds of people gathered at Guadalupe River Park in downtown San Jose on Sunday to “share coffee, culture and community.”
The crowd also enjoyed a performance by the local group “Young Ethio Jazz Band” as well as a ceremony honoring Dr. Birku Melese, the first executive director of the Ethiopian Community, who was recognized for his dedicated service to the city. The “Enkutatash” new year celebration was attended, among others, by the San Jose City Councilman Sam Liccardo and Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors Ken Yeager.
Click here to view the photos at Mercury News.
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