VOA News
By Chris Simkins
The investigation into the deadly shooting at Washington’s Navy Yard Monday is sparking calls for new gun control measures. Authorities say, earlier this month, Aaron Alexis purchased a shotgun he used to kill 12 people at the naval command building.
Federal law enforcement investigators continued to gather evidence at Washington’s Navy Yard.
Authorities are still unable to say what caused Aaron Alexis to gun down 12 people in Monday’s rampage before police shot and killed him. Witnesses say Alexis, a former Navy reservist and contract worker, entered the building with a shotgun, and a short time later began firing. John Weaver watched as the suspect killed his co-worker.
“I popped my head up, and I saw him pointing his gun at my friend, and he shot her,” said Weaver.
The latest shooting has renewed the debate over stricter gun control. Many gun owners oppose stricter laws.
Read more at VOA News.
Starbucks Seeks to Keep Guns Out of Its Coffee Shops (The New York Times)
Moment By Moment: How The Washington, D.C. Navy Yard Shooting Unfolded (USA Today)
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