Obama Bounce, Part II

First Read: The day in politics by NBC News for NBC News
Photo: Family affair – Barack and Michelle with their daughters
Malia and Sasha (Daily Mail)

September 24th, 2008

The latest Washington Post/ABC poll has Obama with a clear nine-point lead nationally over McCain, 52%-43% — fueled by the current concerns about the economy. “More voters trust Obama to deal with the economy, and he currently has a big edge as the candidate who is more in tune with the economic problems Americans now face. He also has a double-digit advantage on handling the current problems on Wall Street, and as a result, there has been a rise in his overall support.” In addition, a new Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg survey has Obama leading McCain 47%-35% among registered voters on the question of who would do a better job handling the economic troubles. Heads up: The latest NBC/Wall Street Journal comes out tonight at 6:30 pm ET. Will it match these numbers or show something else? By the way, what moves numbers more in the polls — voters changing their minds or the number of Democrats vs. Republicans that are included in the sample? You know the answer. Read More.


















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