Tadias Magazine
By Tadias Staff
Published: Thursday, September 24th, 2015
New York (TADIAS) — The 2015 Bikila Award Ceremony and Gala Dinner is set to take place this coming weekend in Toronto, Canada.
The award, which is named after Olympian and Ethiopian marathon hero Abebe Bikila, was created two years ago in Ontario, Canada by the non-profit organization Bikila Award Inc. to recognize Ethiopian achievements.
The inaugural Bikila Award recipients last year included Ethiopian-Canadian music sensation Abel Tesfaye (The Weeknd), Dr. Taffara Deguefe, winner of the Lifetime Achievement Award, and Dr. Clare Pain, winner of a Professional Excellence Award for her work “in psychiatry and exemplary contribution to the Development of Mental Health Services in Ethiopia.”
“The objective of Bikila Award is to foster academic and professional excellence, as well as to promote volunteerism among persons of Ethiopian origin residing in and outside Canada,” organizers said in a press release. “Various professional and academic excellence awards are presented annually to such selected persons, friends of Ethiopia and exemplary Ethiopians who have made outstanding contribution to society and the Ethiopian community.”
This year Ethiopian filmmaker and professor at Howard University Haile Gerima will deliver the keynote address, while the guests of honour include Dr. Senait Fisseha MD. JD, professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Michigan, and Dr. Michael Gervers, professor of History and Art History at UofT.
The event will feature dinner, jazz music, comedy and door Prizes.
Below is the list of the 2015 Award winners:
Lifetime Achievement Award- Lij Habteselassie Tafesse
Professional Excellence Award- Dr. Ingida Asfaw
Professional Excellence Award- Mr. Mulugeta Desta
Professional Excellence Award- Ms. Weyni Mengesha
Professional Excellence Award- Mr. Yared Nigusu
Professional Excellence Award- Professor Joseph Beyene
Community Service Excellence Award – EOTC- St, Mary Church
Community Service Excellence Award- Ms. Hannah Godefa
Academic Excellence Award and Scholarship winners- Betel Yiberhu, Kalkidan Legesse, Gelila Ephrem, Bekure Mekbib
If You Go:
The 2015 Bikila Award Celebration and Gala Dinner
Saturday, September 26, 2015.
At Daniels Spectrum
585 Dundas Street East
Toronto, Canada
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