Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake to climb Mount Kilimanjaro

Above: Recruited by Ethiopian-born singer Kenna, actress
Jessica Biel and her boyfriend Justin Timberlake plan to climb
Mount Kilimanjaro this fall to raise money for charity.

The Houston Chronicle
World Entertainment News Network
Sept. 24, 2009, 10:40AM

Actress Jessica Biel will join her boyfriend Justin Timberlake to climb Mount Kilimanjaro this fall to raise money for charity.

The Blade: Trinity star has joined the team of celebrities recruited by Ethiopian-born singer Kenna to scale the 9,000-foot African peak as part of a fundraising and awareness effort for the worldwide water crisis.

She admits she only signed up for the trek after being “astonished” that more than a billion people in the world have no access to drinkable water.

“This is a basic human necessity that needs to be addressed now. (I want) to help any way I can in order to raise awareness toward the life-threatening clean water crisis happening not only in Africa but around the world,” the star said.


















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