2015 Artists for Charity Holiday Art Auction

Artists for Charity (AFC) will hold its 9th Holiday Benefit & Art Auction in DC on December 5th, 2015. (AFC)

Tadias Magazine
By Tadias Staff

Published: Friday, November 27th, 2015

New York (TADIAS) — The 2015 Artists for Charity (AFC) Holiday Benefit will take place on Saturday, December 5th in Washington D.C. to be held during the week of World AIDS Day.

“This year, AFC is excited to showcase the amazing work done through its ArtHeals program, an initiative aimed at improving children’s wards in hospitals in Ethiopia,” AFC said in a press release. “A live auction will take place featuring artwork from local and international artists.”

AFC said that it is “thrilled to be able to expand the collection of art this year with generous pieces donated by the McMillan- Stewart Foundation and the work of several prominent African artists.

“A small grassroots organization with a big cause, AFC operates a children’s home that raises HIV positive, double-orphaned children in a loving family environment,” the organization said. “AFC was one of the first children’s home to accept children living with HIV in Ethiopia.”

In addition to the live-auction, the holiday event features Ethiopian food, drinks, and live cultural music.

IF You Go:
AFC 9th Annual Art Auction Benefit
Artists For Charity
Saturday, December 5, 2015
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM
641 S Street Northwest, #b
Washington, DC 20001
Click here for ticket information
More info. at: www.artistsforcharity.org.

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