Source: Mestewat.com
Society of Ethiopian Web Developers annual election of the Best Ethiopian Web site of the year is here.
Best Design and Look
1. Ethiopian Review
2. EthioTube.net
3. Abugidainfo.com
Originally News and Content
1. Ethiopian Review
2. Abugidainfo.com
3. Aiga forum
Read more at Mestewat.com
I am a web developer. How can I be a member of the Society of Ethiopian Web Developers? Where can I get more info? Thank you.
Limiting the nominees to only Ethiopian related sites is not a good idea. I am sure there are several Ethiopians who are running sites not specifically targeted to Ethiopians. Therefore, it makes sense to add ALL sites that are run by Ethiopians!
To become member of SEWD, go here: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?key=p_GLHckJ9sLjsAwBOjx_0bA
To vote go here: http://mestewat.com/sewd
the best ethiopian overall website is ADDISFORTUNE.COM
the best design website is JIMMATIMES.COM and ADDISFORTUNE.COM ,
the most original news should go to AddisAdmass.com and ADDISFORTUNE.COM, the most community participation should go to NAZRET.COM … the best website for video/music should be ADDISLIVE.COM and ETHIOTUBE.NET and the multi-language website should be Jimmatimes.com and ETHIOFORUM.ORG and the top visited websites should be NAZRET.COM and Ethiopianreview.com
Dear Society of Ethiopian Web Developers (SEWD),
Although I applaud your effort, your listing will be more credible in the future if you make your ranking procedure more professional. For Example, instead of ranking websites randomly make them voluntary. You can ask web administrators to submit their website for your annual ranking. If they don’t participate, then they don’t get ranked. Their loss. But the process will be more democratic.
The other thing you can do is that have the participating websites as delegates and let them elect the professional judges that will judge them. The judges that will be elected can be members of your society, but it should not be limited to you. It should be open to other experts as well. The elected experts will spend at least a year evaluating all participating websites and come up with an annual report and ranking.
Then, you will firmly establish the credibility of the SEWD ranking. Just my two cents.
Marry X-mas and Happy New Year to All!
2009 Music and Video Winner is going to be http://diretube.com
The Fastest Ethiopian Music Video Site.
Enjoy with the New Music and you Witness!