Tadias Magazine
By Tadias Staff
Updated: Friday, December 25th, 2009
New York (Tadias) – Tadias Magazine announces its second annual list of top Ethiopia related websites. In addition to our traditional listing of the most visited websites (based on Alexa’s traffic ranking), we have included our “Favorite Charitable Organizations” (published earlier this month) and the top 5 entertainment websites of 2009.
Per Alexa: The rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors and pageviews over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1.
You may also check Quantcast for further comparison. Click here to see “Ethiopia’s Top 25 most popular media of 2009 and click here for “Ethiopia’s Top 10 most Independent news websites of 2009.”
1. Ethiopian Review
Ethiopian Review is the most frequently visited Ethiopian online journal.
Global Rank: 55,207
U.S. Traffic Rank: 15,264
2. Nazret.com
Nazret.com is the largest Ethiopian news and information portal. Directory, forum, travel, history and sport.
Global Rank: 73,456
U.S. Traffic Rank: 23,658
3. Cyber Ethiopia
Cyber Ethiopia: Portal with forum, directory, chat, news and email.
Global Rank: 150,872
U.S. Traffic Rank: 42,955
4. Ethiomedia.com
The most influential pro-democracy website of Ethiopians and African Americans.
Global Rank: 187,957
U.S. Traffic Rank: 58,263
5. Ethiopian Reporter
English and Amharic coverage of national and international news.
Global Rank: 305,609
U.S. Traffic Rank: 155,735
6. Ethioforum.org
(EMF) provides daily news, analysis and Discussion forum on events concerning Ethiopia and Horn of Africa.
Global Rank: 322,190
U.S. Traffic Rank: 74,621
7. Abbaymedia.com
Global Rank: 356,543
U.S. Traffic Rank: 115,463
8. Abugidainfo.com
Abugida information center’s main goals are to provide outreach service to Ethiopians and friends of Ethiopia.
Global Rank:375,336,
U.S. Traffic Rank: 126,210
9. Quatero.net
Quatero.net; Voice for the voiceless of Ethiopian People since 2000
Global Rank: 398,244
U.S. Traffic Rank: 195,892
10. ECADF News, Audio & video
ECADF provides daily news related to Ethiopia.
Global Rank: 499,031
U.S. Traffic Rank: 191,076
Note: Tadias.com has a global rank of 478,606 and U.S. traffic rank of 196,384 (B/N #9 & 10).
Nazret.com’s Top 10 Ethiopian Websites
Top 5 Ethiopian Entertainment Websites of 2009
1. Ethiotube.net:
EthioTube is the leader in Ethiopian online video sharing, and the premier
destination to watch and share original videos related to Ethiopia.
Global Rank: 160,634
U.S. Traffic Rank: 51,811
2. Diretube.com
Diretube.com is one of the largest Ethiopian video sharing sites.
Alexa Global Rank: 171,704
U.S. Traffic Rank: 120,171
3. Addiszefen.com
Alexa Global Rank: 642, 223
U.S. Traffic Rank: 901, 300
4. AddisLive.com
Alexa Global Rank :1,065,723
U.S. Traffic Rank: Unavailable
5. Addistunes.com
Alexa Global Rank: 2,842,132
you gave the same ranking for abbay media and abogida one of them should be corrected.
Dear Selam,
Thank you. We stand corrected. The list has been updated.
Kind regards,
The Tadias Team
The usual websites like Nazret, Ethiopian Review and Ethiomedia are always the top 5 because they are News Sites and naturally they would have the highest traffic. I am glad you used the Alexa numbers this year though. Because the Quantcast numbers you guys used in 2008 requires every site to register and get quantified so they don’t have accurate reading of all websites. Alexa, on the other hand, as the leading web information company, has a more accurate readings. Loved your charity list selections as well. Thanks for the exposure!!
Alexa measures the ranking based on the past three month, so it is inaccurate to say a website is most popular for the entire year based on 3 month data. Besides Alexa only measures data based on users with the Alexa toolbar installed so not quit accurate. In fact all these website rankings is controversial as none of them are accurate. I would rely more on quantcast which at least measures directly by embedding a code on your website, btw why are you not quantified?
You can check all these websites in compete.com, alexa.com and quantcast.com and you will see huge difference. It is all junk.
For more accurate measurement, use a ComScore or Nielson measurement which of course will cost money and require subscription.
Anyways, ranked first or not, Tadias.com rocks for me. Keep up the great work, you are real journalists with original content. Hope to see more original stuff and video in 2010. Happy New Year.
Cool! it is great service to give recognition to all this news sources. Thank you.
I have an Idea: Next year you should come up with an additional list: “The worst Ethiopian Websites”!! I have few suggestions!
Happy New Year Tadiasoch!! See you in 2010!!
Go Ethiopian Review!! LK, got it wrong. In my opinion, Alexa has the most accurate traffic metrics, top sites lists, site demographics, etc. Nielson measurement works better for television.
What a sham! Auatero in its isolated corner makes the list while very popular and known web sites like Debteraw, Ethiolion and Assimba are not even mentioned. Political myopia.
Dear tadias
What was your measurement to rank the web? from bay area!!!
Tadias, my Tadias friends,
How dare you miss my amazing webiste?? how dare you??? Just joking
The article intro says very clearly that the list is based on Alexa Traffic Rank guys, the most trusted web rankling available. According to their website “Alexa has created a series of tools specifically for web site owners. These tools can help to drive traffic, make money. In November 2005, Alexa released the Alexa Web Information Service on the Amazon.com Web Services platform. Gain access to Alexa’s processed information about the Web, including traffic details, related links and more. See Alexa Web Services on Amazon.com.”
How does http://www.EthioPortal.com stack up?
Dear Tadias Staff,
Thank you for highlighting our organization on your annual “favorite charities list”. We are very appreciative of your continued help and support! For me personally, Tadias is the best! Yes, you rock!! I have taken the liberty to list here the other Ethiopian websites ranked between 11 and 25 by Alexa. The credit for the list goes to Ethiopian Media Association International (EMAI).
Thank you and happy new year and happy Gena to all of you!
10. Jimma Times 563,880
11. Ethiopia Zare 584,760
12. Addis Fortune 614,560
13. Walta Information Centre 629,315
14. Ethiopiafirst.com 650,354
15. addisvoice.com 690,756
16. Ethiopian News Agency – ENA 716,277
17. Aigaforum.com 723,695
18. Gadaa.com 798,380
19. Addis Admass News 875,357
20. EthioLion.Com 960,401
21. Capitalethiopia.com 1,348,855
22. Opride.com 1,690,046
23. Ssinformer.com 1,313,692
24. Ethioguardian.com 1,760,262
25. Horizonethiopia.com 2,458,266
I think that Addisportal.com is one of the best!!
What about Aiga Forum?????
The reason I like this list is not because of the rank but how I was introduced to so many webistes that I never knew they existed. I always check out Nazret, EthiopiaMedia, Tadias and some times GoodNewsEthiopia.com. To be honest I did not know that they were this many Ethio websites. So this list is very interesting for me. I like the idea. I checked some of the websites and some of them are in Amharic and they look interesting but I can’t see the text on my computer. Do I need a special software? Please help.
Visit debteraw.com
World Rank: #1,615,049
Alexa Traffic Rank: 802,488
Traffic Rank in US: 274,509
Congratulations to the winners!!! I am a website owner and I know for sure that Alexa is the best web measuring technology out there at the time. It is not exact science but Alexa does a pretty good job of measuring the performance of websites. So you are doing a good job Tadias. My only suggestion is that in 2010 you can expand the list even further to include Amharic websites, English websites, news websites, literature websites, music websites, art website, etc. you get my drift. That way you can include as many websites as you can so the feeling of those who didn’t make the top ten will not be hurt like Addisportal.com (Addis), Aiga Forum (Jigsa) and debteraw.com (aslu). Even though their rank is below the the top ten list you can still find consolation prize for them. Based on Aslu’s alexa number for example, debteraw.com will rank number 20th coming behind Gadaa.com (798,380) and ahead of Addis Admass News (875,357) and EthioLion.Com (960,401). Or you can just expand the list to top 20, 25, or even 50.
Thank you and I wish to express my deepest appreciation for your staff and wish you all a wonderful new year. Hope 2010 will bring you even more success!!
Honolulu, Hawaii
I think there is a font called Geez that you can purchase. You can use it to type in Amharic but I am not sure if it will help to you to read Amharic websites though. Just google it.
As to the “Top Ten Websites”, big up to ER! But Nazret.com still rules for me.
As to the controversy regarding Alexa’s ranking, it sounds like sour grapes from those who did not make the cut. All the arguments against Alexa are stupid. Listen to Ato Geremew Kinde accuse Quatero.net (the voice for the voiceless) of being a sham. He says: ” Auatero (misspelled) in its isolated corner makes the list while very popular and known web sites like Debteraw, Ethiolion and Assimba are not even mentioned.” That is such an ignorant comment. The numbers speak for themselves. Why is it that none of those “popular and known web sites” are on the top ten list? The answer is because they just don’t have the numbers. Simple and clear. However, Quatero.net is not isolated after all. Bravo! It is ranked number #10. Bravo! Bravo! Just look at the numbers. We all know that Alexa is the supreme court of Web traffic matrix. They have the best data collection method in the world. Period. Tell me one other company that is better? QuantCast, statbrain.com, ComScore? They are all designed to give you custom made reading for your business needs so they can milk your money than provide you unbiased free matrix like Alexa. Damn, Alexa does not even pay me for this.
What you did is absolutely a lazy work. Living aside Alexa’s method of ranking, largely derived from feeds and pop-ups, tallying just only three months of data and projecting it as an annual figure is not only wrong but absurd. If you take for example Dagmawi web site you will not get info let alone a tally from Alexa, and yet this web page was widely read by many Ethiopians until 2 months ago. The pro-government website Aiga’s ‘s world wide standing was between 200 to 300 thousand until three months ago. Right now it is around 700 thousand. Does that mean this web page standing is above 700,000. The same is true with Ben web page. He was way up early 2009, down in the middle , rock bottom on the 3rd quarter and made some improvement lately.
In fact there are many ways to get thousands of hits per day. As the Ethiopian saying has it ” if there is money there is a way on the sky”. Many search engines do it for a living. Ethiopian Review is in fact good at it. It is simple ,i.e beg for a hit or pay for an add and get few coins in return.
My advise to Taddias is don’t rush to grab something that is not your own making. Look also at other ranking engines , take their data’s with a pinch of salt. None are correct. Since their main target is how to get the buck do not swallow what they throw. I am sure the editor in chief of Taddias will look in to this matter seriously.
Congratulations Abugidainfo.com!!!
You guys are missing, http://www.wongelnet.com site.
Tadias should be number one!
Every year the Ethiopian Media Association International (EMAI) recognizes the top 10 most independent and professional Ethiopian news websites in the world. EMAI believes media independence and balance is vital for the development of a democratic, tolerant and peaceful society. Due to this, impartiality in media is an important quality most people and the international community honors the most in the 21st century.
Last week, the Ethiopian Media Association International (EMAI) recognized the 25 most influential and popular Ethiopian media outlets in the world. For this year, Ethiopian Review and Nazret.com were the top 2 popular websites among the 25 top performers.
In selecting the top 10 independent news websites, EMAI monitors and analyzes if a media practices censorship on different and diverse economic, political, religious and social views or articles. The 10 Ethiopain news websites that practice “THE MOST BALANCE” in their reporting are honored by this annual EMAI award.
Below are the top 10 news websites ranked based on their independence and balance in reporting during 2009.
1. Nazret.com
2. Addis Fortune
3. Tadias.com
4. Jimma Times
5. Addis Neger (defunct)
6. EthiopiaFirst.com
7. Awramba Times
8. CapitalEthiopia.com
9. EthioPolitics.com
10. AddisAdmass.com
EMAI is the premier organization dedicated to assisting, awarding, monitoring and developing Ethiopian media outlets around the world.
Tadias Staff,
Please ignore what someone said about Dagmawi’s website is totally bogus. Don’t trust anything. It is just pure jealousy because Ethiopian Review is #1 and Qatero.net is part of the top ten list. Just check for yourself quantcast list also Qatero is #8! He does not like their views but he is not entitled to his own facts. 1. nazret.com (21,780) 2. ethiopianreview.com 3. ethiomedia.com (55,053) 4. tadias.com (94,691) 5. Aigaforum (124,291) 6.Abugidainfo.com (212,475) 7. Abbaymedia.com (249,512) 8. quatero.net
(361,741) -:) 9. Ethioforum.org (453,168) 10. CyberEthiopia.com (459,022)
Dear Readers,
Thank you all for the engaging responses. Your suggestions and criticisms are always appreciated. We will take into consideration your recommendations as we work to compile our list for 2010.
In the mean time, here are few rules to keep in mind as you submit your feedback:
1. Please avoid typing in all caps: This will delay your message from being approved
2. Please stay on topic: Comments that are off subject may not be approved
3. Please be polite to your fellow readers and avoid slanderous remarks or comments that are laced with profanity; Such comments will be promptly rejected
We wish everyone a safe and Happy New Year!
The Tadias Team
What I wanted to say was simple. I am sorry for using foul words. I was expressing my anger about what Geremew Kinde said. He knows who I am. My point is don’t be jealous (miqena) just because. When are we abeshas going to learn to compete in a healthy manner? That’s all I WANTED to say to him. I rest my case.
Wow, its been a long time since people posted replies, ha?
Anyways, as of December 23, 2011, i believe the top websites for video and news including social network are.
1. Sodere.com ( http://www.sodere.com)
They have the best news and they have more than 10k users, They also got videos but its not a dedicated video site.
2. Diretube.com (Largest ethiopian videos)
3. Addisflix.com ( http://www.addisflix.com )
I think its a new website, but its becoming very popular among many people.
4. EthiopianTube.com ( http://www.ethiopiantube.com )
5. Nazreth.com
Ezega, Ethiojobs and some other websites are very popular, but i didn’t think a job website would cut in a news or entertainment category.
I like Ezega. They are the most progressive and well researched sites based in Ethiopia. From all the Ethiopia-based sites, I think they rank very high. I try to do their homework before they write, which is a good thing because most other sites in Ethiopia embarrass themselves with the facts.