Source: CelebrityDialogue.com
Ethiopian born Mel Tewahade is the President, Founder and CEO of Infinity Wealth Management. Mel is making a documentary on Truman’s American Foreign Aid Program and its effects on third world countries. He recently spoke to CelebrityDialogue.com about his film.
CelebrityDialogue: Why did you have to leave Ethiopia when you were just 18 years old?
Mel: In 1975 Ethiopian communists with the help of USSR and Cubans overthrew Emperor Hail Sellasie which marked very dark days for Ethiopia. A lot of young people were being murdered all over Ethiopia which meant to either stay and get killed or run. I chose to run with only a shirt on my back.
CelebrityDialogue: How did you end up in the United States?
Mel: I came to the US 1993 from Canada through Met Life executive transfer program. I have since left Met Life and started my own company, Infinity Wealth Management,Inc (www.infinitywealth.net).
CelebrityDialogue: Tell us about your success story in the US?
Mel: I started Infinity Wealth 1996 and succeeded to build it into a company that manages over $150,000.000 in client assets with over $600,000.00 in force life insurance coverage for our clients. Infinity now has offices in Denver, Houston, Richmond and Mississauga Ontario, Canada. We have 45 brokers that work for Infinity Wealth.
CelebrityDialogue: Why did you decide to produce the documentary “Point Four”? What inspired the name of the film?
Mel: I borrowed the name from President Harry Truman’s inaugural speech on January 20,1949 , where he outlined his foreign policy objectives. Point one, was we wouldl support UN. Point two was to help form NATO. Point three was to help people to stop communism. Point Four was we would share our agricultural know how with poorer countries. My motivation to make the movie came from the fact that my own father was the governor of the region from 1962 to 1969 on the which Alemaya University was built. As a kid I also met the American friends of my father who visited our house. I want to show the positive effects of US foreign aid program.
CelebrityDialogue: When do you plan to release the documentary?
Mel: I will be releasing the movie on the 20th of January, 2012.
CelebrityDialogue: Who is funding the project?
Mel: My family foundation is funding 100% of the cost.
Read the full interview at CelebrityDialogue.com
New Film Highlights Rarely Seen White House Photos (TADIAS)
An Interview With Documentary Filmmaker Mel Tewahade (Curve Wire)
Point Four: A Film About Haramaya University (TADIAS)