By Tadias Staff
Published: Wednesday, December 31, 2008
New York (Tadias) – Tadias Magazine announces its first annual top websites. Along with the traditional listing of news websites by traffic, we have included our own top 10 non-profit organizations and top 5 sites in the following categories: business, arts & literature, fashion and entertainment.
Ethiopian News Websites as Ranked by Traffic and Their Popularity among the U.S. audience (Site Profiles by Alexa)
According to Alexa, a web information company, Nazret.com has the largest global traffic. Nazret is followed by Ethiopian Review and Ethio Media. The following are Alexa’s traffic rank of the top 10 Ethiopian news Websites:
1. Nazret.com has a traffic rank of: 57,550
2. Ethiopianreview.com has a traffic rank of: 73,402
3. Ethiomedia.com has a traffic rank of: 154,911
4. Cyberethiopia.com has a traffic rank of: 192,692
5. Ethiopianreporter.com has a traffic rank of: 225,250
6. Ethiopiazare.com has a traffic rank of: 273,235
7. Abugidainfo.com has a traffic rank of: 285,451
8. Waltainfo.com has a traffic rank of: 308,950
9. Ethioforum.org has a traffic rank of: 345,551
10. Aigaforum.com has a traffic rank of: 349,520
Note: Video site EthioTube has a traffic rank of: 242,399
Ethiopian news websites as ranked by their popularity among the U.S. audience
(Site Profiles by Quantcast)
Quantcast.com stats show U.S. traffic per month, and Ethiopian Review is listed as reaching 84,000 U.S. monthly people. Nazret has approximately 47,000 US People and is followed by Ethio Media, which reaches approximately 33, 000 U.S. monthly visitors. Below are a few more descriptions of top Ethiopian sites by Quantcast:
1. Ethiopian Review
The site attracts a more educated, largely male, HH income up to $60k, middle aged, mostly African American group.The typical visitor reads Washington Post and visits pbskids.org.
78% Male
22% Female
85% African American
4% Caucasian
0% Asian
1% Hispanic
11% Other
2. Nazret.com
The site caters to a HH income up to $60k, heavily male, highly educated, mostly African American, 35-49 following. The typical visitor uses LowFares.Com, and listens to National Public Radio.
71% Male
29% Female
87% African American
3% Caucasian
1% Asian
1% Hispanic
8% Other
3. Ethiomedia
The site caters to a mostly African American, heavily male, more educated, middle aged audience. Reader demographics include:
74% Male
26% Female
89% African American
1% Caucasian
1% Asian
1% Hispanic
9% Other
4. Ethiopia Zare
This site reaches approximately 9.8k U.S. monthly people. The site attracts a largely
male, HH income up to $60k crowd.
73% Male
27% Female
(Ethnic data, not available)
5. Abugida
The site appeals to a middle aged, primarily male, mostly African American, more educated following.
86% Male
14% Female
78% African American
4% Caucasian
0% Asian
1% Hispanic
13% Other
6. Aigaforum
The site attracts a heavily male, mostly African American, HH income up to $60k, 35-49, more educated audience.
86% Male
14% Female
89% African American
4% Caucasian
0% Asian
0% Hispanic
6% Other
7. Cyberethiopia
The site appeals to a mostly male, mostly African American, HH income up to $60k, middle aged audience.
79% Male
21% Female
83% African American
4% Caucasian
0% Asian
0% Hispanic
12% Other
8. Tadias.com
The site caters to a college educated, African American, middle aged, somewhat male crowd.
58% Male
42% Female
46% African American
31% Caucasian
10% Asian
2% Hispanic
11% Other
9. Addis Admass
The site caters to a college educated, African American, middle aged, male crowd.
94% Male
6% Female
10. Ethio-politics
The site caters to a college educated, African American, middle aged, male crowd.
82% Male
18% Female
Tadias’ Top Ten Non-Profit Organizations
1.) Dir Biyabir (dirbiyabir.org)
Dir Biyabir works in Ethiopia to reduce extreme poverty by investing in people and building their capacity to help themselves. Their projects include providing vocational training and fostering entrepreneurship, building schools for local children, planting trees and rehabilitating the environment, improving local healthcare.
2.) U.S. Doctors for Africa (usdfa.org)
U.S. Doctors for Africa is a humanitarian organization committed to increasing access to medical care for diseases and conditions affecting the people of Africa. By mobilizing and distributing medical manpower, supplies, and equipment to medical institutions throughout the continent of Africa, U.S.D.F.A is able to provide medical and preventative healthcare and capacity-building to regions of Africa without available medical services. US Doctors for Africa believes that health care is a basic human right, and recognizes that a healthy population is essential for growth, development, and prosperity in every society.
3.) Safe House Ethiopia (safehouseethiopia.org)
Safe House Ethiopia was founded in 2006 to help poor children stay off the streets and continue their education. Safe House residence programs include: education scholarships, teenage counseling program, healthcare, and community outreach. Safe House Ethiopia is unique in that it emphasizes a whole family program and keeps children united with their parents and relatives.
4.) Ethiopia Reads (ethiopiareads.org)
Ethiopia Reads believes that education is the key to improving the lives of the next generation of Ethiopians, a country filled with children, and that book are the key to fostering a genuine love of learning. Ethiopia Reads projects include establishment of the Shola Children’s Library, school library development program, children’s book publishing program, and a librarian training program in Ethiopia.
5.) Gemini Healthcare Group (ghcg.org)
Gemini Healthcare Group is a not-for-profit that provides healthcare to women and children in Ethiopia by revitalizing the health and social service infrastructure. The organization is run by volunteers and pediatricians. Current projects include: building and supporting a children’s hospital in Ethiopia, improving health care infrastructure, promoting health education, providing health screening and mass immunizations, and recruiting and retaining local healthcare workers.
6.) Ethiopian Children’s Fund (ethiopianchildrensfund.org)
The Ethiopian Children’s Fund (ECF) is a non-governmental organization dedicated to helping those most vulnerable and least able to help themselves – primarily children without parents. ECF’s flagship in Ethiopia is its Education & Development Programe in Aleltu (EDP) – an innovative integrated establishment for the protection and development of highly disadvantaged children and their communities suffering from extreme poverty and social problems such as HIV/AIDS.
7.) Girls Gotta Run Foundation (girlsgottarun.org)
The Girls Gotta Run Foundation (GGRF) is a volunteer organization founded in 2006 to raise money to provide support for impoverished Ethiopian girls who are training to be runners. Training to be athletes allows them to stay in school, avoid early marriage, and gain personal independence. Besides athletic shoes, GGRF provides money for training clothes, extra food (“calorie money”), coach subsidies, and other training-related expenses.
8.) Awassa Peace Dojo (www.aiki-extensions.org/projectsAwassa.asp)
Aiki-Extensions’ Ethiopian dojo offers Aikido training and classes for kids and adults six days a week in Awassa. Aikido activities are part of a youth program that includes One Love Theater’s gymnastics AIDS-awareness show, as well as other learning opportunities in art and music. Aikido work enriches the socially conscious Awasa Youth Theater program’s repertoire and provides hands-on training in conflict resolution skills for youth.
9.) D.E.S.T.A. for Africa (destaforafrica.org)
D.E.S.T.A for Africa is a non-profit cultural organization to address the lack of adequate photographic training in Ethiopia. Through education and self-sustainable opportunities, Ethiopian photographers can promote a balanced view of their country. The acronym stands for Developing and Educating Society Through Art, and the organization seeks to promote cultural development through the use of photography by providing workshops, exhibitions and creative exchanges.
10.) Worldwide Orphans Foundation (wwo.org)
Worldwide Orphans Foundation recently opened its WWO-AHF Family HealthCare Center in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. WWO’s aims to transform the lives of orphaned children by taking them out of anonymity and helping them to become healthy, independent, productive members of their communities and their world. The WWO-AHF Family Center in Addis Ababa is a full-service care facility for treating and monitoring the care of orphans and children in families with HIV/AIDS, and for the treatment of adults with HIV/AIDS. The Center helps to bring orphaned children into the mainstream of community life. In addition to life-saving pediatrics and antiretroviral medications, the Center offers a host of programs, including nutritional cooking and job training. Children have dedicated play areas in the clinic and participate in art and music projects. In collaboration with Right To Play and UNICEF, WWO has developed and facilitates an orphan soccer league in Addis Ababa.
Other Top 5 Favorites Listing
Ethiopian Yellow Pages
Ethiopian Business Online
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
Ethiopian Restaurants
Arts & Literature
Addis Art
Etiye Dimma-Poulsen
Julie Mehretu
Dinaw Mengestu
Ayane Gidada
Helm Magazine
Liya Kebede
Gelila Bekele
Taytu Made in Ethiopia
Getachew Mekuria and the Ex
Kenna Zemedkun
Wayna Wondwossen
Meklit Hadero
Addis Zefen
Chewata.com is the number # 1 Ethiopian Website!!
Love the non-profit listing and the other top 5 favorite. Please add chewata as your favorite next year. They are very funny.
Here is what is not funny. Nazret and Ethiopian Review have been arguing who is number one? Ethiopian review came out with its own list (excluding nazret) and using Alexa and it declared itself Number 1. Nazret came out with its own list and declared itself number one! NOW, Tadias says Nazret is #1 globally and ER is Number 1 in the U.S.
Personally, Ethiomedia.com is the best. Ethiopian Review is mostly Eritrean propaganda (check their man of the year for 2008).
Nazret is Ezim ezam (they are ok). Tadias is Ezi bicha (you’re alright too).
Keep it up…looking forward to your list in 2009.
Peace out!
http://www.2merkato.com is the number one business website in Ethiopia: it provides integrated information, has a very good traffic and is daily updated.
Very nice list of Ethiopian websites. I agree with most of them.
I do think you miss a site I use every day in the Business category. BidEthiopia.com gives me all the tender in Ethiopia for free.
Keep up the good work.