Tadias Magazine
By Tadias Staff
Published: March 10, 2009
New York (Tadias) – Beyonce Knowles, the R&B star and actress who plays the legendary Etta James in the movie Cadillac Records, is gearing up for an international tour, which may include Ethiopia, Entertainment Weekly reports.
Beyonce’s last performance in Ethiopia took place at the Millennium Hall in Addis Ababa, on October 17, 2007.
As to her 2009 schedule, EW says: “While details are still being worked out, she has dates tentatively penciled in for the U.K., Ethiopia, Japan, Brazil, and more, plus a run through the U.S. this summer.”
“I’ve been working on this tour for eight months,” Beyonce told EW. “It’s crunch time! I’ve been rehearsing and trying to make sure I put my set list together. Right now I’m anxious and I can’t sleep — I’ll be wanting to be at rehearsal. That’s the only thing I can think about. But I can’t wait.”
The report also says Beyonce will begin her year-long international tour in Canada later this month.
I can’t wait…I love Beyonce
I like her too. I think she is a magnificent and hard working artist. And I wish Beyonce all the best in her upcoming world tour!
Having said that, however, I would like to ask a question about the timing of this concert. Under this declining global economy, who in the right mind will pay to see Beyonce in Ethiopia? (I am dead sure the ticket will be exuberantly expensive even by the West standards). I live in the U.S. and I can tell you that people are cutting down on luxury spending here. In my book, if I lived in Ethiopia, I would categorize Beyonce’s concert as a luxury. My two cents.
Good day.
The last time, she was used as a propaganda tool to legitimize the status quo in Ethiopia.
Hope it doesn’t happen again.
I think we should request Beyonce to cancel her trip to Ethiopia. We should let her know that Teddy Afro, whose CD she played (during her last performance in Ethiopia) is in jail on a fabricated charges. She should also know that Bertukan Mideksa (the opposition leader) has been sent to jail again. It is really a pity if Beyonce decides to perform in Ethiopia this time around. Her likes are campaigning for human rights in different parts of Africa (including Darfur) and she should follow suit.
People, hold on….what exactly are you crying about? Don’t get the lovely Beyonce involved in Ethiopia’s backward politics. She is an entertainer, and god knows, Ethiopians needs a lot of entertaining right now.
She should perform in Ethiopia! Yes, the ticket price will be expensive for the average Ethiopian, but those who can afford it (about 2000 of us) will attend. There is nothing wrong in having the money to pay for a once in a lifetime concert by Beyonce. Do you have a problem with rich people? If so, then say it. Don’t hind behind politics. Just think of the Beyince concert in Ethiopia comparable to an Opera in Paris or New York. You would not expect Jane and Joe from the street to attend an Opera. Do you? That’s just the way it is.
Come again Beyonce. We can’t wait to see you here in Ethiopia.
We love you!
Woman of Substance wrote ” yes, the ticket price will be expensive for the average Ethiopian, but those who can afford it (about 2000 of us) will attend….Do you have a problem with rich people? …. You would not expect Jane and Joe from the street to attend ….”
wow what a shame to hear such a stupid thing…now I have a problem with insensitive people …the wealth you exploit is the wealth of the Ethiopian nation…no wonder Ethiopia is still backwards….people like you only care about having fun when the rest of your fellow people are stricken in poverty.
btw, i have no problem with Beyonce performing in Ethiopia…we should be happy she chose to perform in Africa…it is also good for our tourism industry…any positive image of Ethiopia is welcome.
“I think we should request Beyonce to cancel her trip to Ethiopia. We should let her know that Teddy Afro, whose CD she played (during her last performance in Ethiopia) is in jail on a fabricated charges. She should also know that Bertukan Mideksa (the opposition leader) has been sent to jail again….”
This is cheap political shot. Sometimes, I wonder if it is because we are cursed as a nation. We are very short-sighted, insensitive about our country and people. Obviously, already our country’s image at an international level is bad, Can’t you see that her trip may help in improving that.
God bless Ethiopia!
For those of you who don’t understand the topic, this is about Beyonce’s concert in Ethiopia not about teddy or some politics. She is coming to Ethiopia to entertain her fans and her fans only. She is not a politician or a crime detective some people should know this.
Beyonce has noting to do with Teddy. Please do not relate apples to oranges. If you are Ethiopian, you should be happy she is coming for the second time. Ethiopian people love her and for those who can afford to pay to see her concert good for them. In the same token, for those who cannot afford the tickets that is fine too.
Do not forget life is not fare. Even in developed countries there are people who can and cannot afford the concert ticket to see Beyonce.
Ethiopian people please think positive. Do not fill the space with politics and negativity.
Women of Substance, I do agree with you! The 2000 rich people, how did you get rich? Thorough your hard work? I never believe it! Please, don’t just open your mouth, start thinking about the rest of the people that you are robbing, and suffering as a consequence of the corruption that got you rich.
I respectfully disagree with the statement that Beyonce should not be an activist to support other artists. Ted Afro is an Ethiopian pop-star and cultural icon, at least for the new Generation. He is part of the “Enough is Enough Generation” who are impertinent of operation and hungry for freedom. And defiant like Teddy Afro. They reject division on the basis of false premises as such race, ethnicity, religion and region. Ask Beyonce she will confirm to you that the new generation of Ethiopians deserve a chance of new renaissance.
But let her perform for the people of Ethiopia. She is not loyal to anyone in Ethiopia. It is just business. Governments may come and go, but the people must remain entrained!
You can find corruption in different ways in any country you go to. I have not researched to confirm all Ethiopians get rich from corruption. I see many hard working Ethiopians get rich too. But, the so-called rich people should have value and dignity too, instead of, for example, taking advantage of our ladies. We should build values. We should ask them, if they contribute to their community and society. Now, that would build us a strong nation.
Ayantu:- I agree with you. We should know that she is not from Ethiopia. She is entertainer from America. She is doing the show to make money, not to free prisoners nor solve political issues.
The corrupt Minister for Culture and Tourism who has coned the Millennium organizers out of $$$ since 2007, will no doubt be at the center of this event, claiming it is promoting tourism.
And once again one has to ask how many people can really afford Beyonce tickets at 5000 birr prices held in the “Shed” we proudly call our “Millennium Hall”
So she will come to Ethiopia and make US$1 million for less than 3 hours work again?, Way to go Beyonce if the fools pay you…. take the money
Hello There.
I think 90% of the Ethiopian population may not even heard of Beyonce and would not care about her and her music. From those who know and admire her, very few can afford, and among who can afford, few can enjoy and willing to pay. But her presence in Ethiopia, it is proud for all the people who know her and enjoy the music. At least the children in the streets of Addis will have something to talk about and enjoy. It is a break of so many stresses. Even the poor in Addis will benefit indirectly, how? I do not want to list here.
By the way, is there a country with no corruption? I think US is the number one. That is why the whole country wealth is melting like spring snow.
Forget politics, Beyonce, just go and enjoy and make us the forgotten people be proud of you. I will never have the chance but be happy to hear about you in my country.
Have a nice trip and if you get the chance to speak to officials and please mention about Teddy Afro and Birtukan’s release. Please for those of you who have got the chance, pass my message.
Tokichaw from Diaspora.
Please Diaspora!
Do you understand the agenda or you simply argue? This is a matter of entertainment. Beyonce is not member of the U.S. senate. she is one of the popular artist and she has plans to entertain people who like to be entertained. What is the relationship between teddy and beyonce? Did you know this concert is not for Prime Minister Meles Zenawi? It is for the Ethiopian Public.
Please think over this, you are building a negative profile about Ethiopia.
Please learn more Diaspora.
She will not be wellcomed by the majority of the people, except by the handful of people who are wealthy and have money to purchase a ticket for her show. Please consider the fact that the vast majority of our people are needy families, unemployed, strugling for existance on daily basis. Ethiopia cannot be a target for profit for this milioner american black artists. We strongly advise her to hunt other countries peoples who can afford buying her tickets. We have a lot of artists back home and we encourage them to enterain our people. These people know how to suck peoples blood but they do not know how to save peoples” life. Tell me who else contriute or donate money to the needy families back home? Those millioners’ Musicians, basketball palyers, or Hollowhood actors? None of them. On the top of that, we want to pereserve our culture for present and future generation. It is nobody’s interest that such a beautyful ethiopian’s culture be exposed to western culture and gradually be ceased to exist.
I don’t see the problem with her performing. She’s an entertainer doing her job. I doubt its a government show, its just a world tour and I bet you she gonna have a capacity filled stadium. Hopefully we get to see her in Uganda and Kenya where there is even a facebook group asking her to include us on her list. Most of our local artistes are unoriginal miming robots who rip us off, Beyonce on the other hand is one of the very few artistes that puts her all in the performance.
Soobox? You are among few Ethiopians who are trying to imitate western culture while devaluing your own. Let our artist perform and entertain our own people. Currently Ethiopia has tremendous problem. It is a giddy and chaotic period, a time of confusion and great hopes- for democracy, and most of all, for economic freedom and development.
I am not mistaken to assert that, Ethiopia at present has two vital aims- form a good government that keeps the interest of the people, once this mission is done, to crack down those who are in need of destabilizing the typical culture of the country.
Please bring in to your mind that Ethiopia is one of the least developed country in the world, but it is on top as far as its history and culture is concerned. It is neither tradeable as market economy nor exchangeable as hard currency but that can be transfered from one generation to the next. Therefore, we all Ethiopians are proud of it now and forever.
Can’t waite to see B in Addis once again
Beyonce is traveling to Ethiopia as a performer. I hope she likes the people and the country. It is wonderful in any cases to hear this as this woman has many other choices to do. We should not be hating when someone is loving us. I hope that is not our culture.
What’s wrong with you people? I think we should be happy that one of the big names in the music world like Beyonce choose to come to our country for the second time. This is nothing to do with our cultur,poletics or anything .It is just about entertainment .Maybe it gives a lesson for our modern musicians. Most importantly it will promote our country. It dose not matter who afford to see the concert. Look at Kenyans they are always inviting big artistes to there country. To promote truism I think we should learn from them. It is good to have discussion like this but we have to know what the discussion all about.
i am a biggest fan of beyonce and do u give out vip ticket if u can pick me one plzzz
I am from Awassa, this is great news, i am too eager to enjoy her concert.
I am an Ethiopian-American who has grown up listening to Beyonce. She is my favorite singer/ entertainer ( Teddy is my second favorite). .. The point is, if she likes Ethiopia, why SHOULDN’T SHE PERFORM??? Yall are STUPID if you think she should cancel because of some B.S. going on in Ethiopia. She just wants to sing and make people happy.
I’m not gonna lie, Ethiopia has a LOT of internal problems, but BEYONCE is going to bring happiness to Ethiopia… and we can ALL agree Ethiopia could DEFINITELY use some happiness!! … so all you dumbasses saying” we should ask her not to come”.. are you out of your EFFING MIND. IT’S BEYONCE for goodness sake! Your lucky she is going back to Ethiopia.. her tours are reserved like 3 years in advance!! She is in top demand, and most countries don’t even get to see her ONCE! Be greatful and stop looking for reasons to start up B.S. Drama.
Oh! I just read from an Ethiopian Newspaper called “Fortune” that Beyonce is not coming here anymore due to some disagreement of how many songs will be broadcasted live. It’s a pity coz, of some narrow minded people like them managed to throw Beyonce’s concert out of the window just for this.
Fortune newspaper dated Sept. 6, 2009.
The concert was planned to be held inside the Millennium Hall on African Avenue, and organized locally by Addis Park Management, Plc. Addis Park promotes such events and sells tickets to the public.
However, negotiations have fallen apart following a disagreement over live broadcasting rights of the concert, said these sources. Beyonce’s manager has agreed to let live broadcastings of only fieve songs from two-hour performace, according to sources. Compared to the one song broadcasted live during her dazzling first performance in Addis in October 2007, where she was paid 1.75 million dollars, this may sound an improvement.
The Sheikh (Sheikh Modammed Hussein Ali-Al Amoudi – the one who would have paid 1 million dollars and an additional 150,000 dollars to charter an aircraft for close 90 members of her team) was not happy nevertheless.
“Mohammed has agreed to bring her back to Addis only if the entire concert is transmitted live by ETC to the Ethiopian public.
“Sheikh Mohammed loves and respect Ethiopian people,” “He would want the show to be accessible for all through broadcasting.” Jean Pierre Manignoff, manager of Sheraton Addis.
i luv beyonce to death and it would be a dream come true if she came back to ethiopia and by the way this isnt about politics, teddy or anything else its just about beyonce coming here and entertaining the ethiopian people
i love BEYONCE