Tadias Magazine
By Tadias Staff
May 22, 2009
New York (TADIAS) – The following is an interview with Sarah Nuru, who was crowned Germany’s Top Model last month after she beat out 21,000 contestants to claim the coveted title.
Heidi Klum, the top model host, made the announcement in front of a packed crowd of 15,000 in the Cologne Lanxess Arena.
The 19-year-old fashion model from Munich, whose parents immigrated from Ethiopia, has earned the nickname “Sunshine” from Germany’s Next Top Model, and was wildly popular with her competitors.
Here is our interview with Sara.
TADIAS: Sara, thank you for your time and congratulations. How does it feel to be crowned Germany’s Next Top Model?
Sara: Thank you very much, I feel very happy. Yes it is quite amazing what is going on right now. It will probably take time until I really recognize this amazing development. But so far, it is a wonderful experience and right now a very exciting time for me.
TADIAS: What does this title mean for your future career?
Sara: To be honest, the title is a great door-opener but I will not lay back and enjoy the title . I have a great chance to make the very best of my benefit. Since the 21st of May, the day I became Germany’s next Top-model, I was hardly at home, worked day and night and really enjoyed my new life as a model! That’s how I imagined it.
TADIAS: This is historical in a sense that the media is saying that you are the first black person to be crowned Germany’s Next Top Model. Did you feel additional pressure because of your cultural background?
Sara Nuru. (Photo by Oliver S.)
Sara: Well, I feel honored that you call it “historical”, but I wouldn’t make a big thing of it . For me, it is of course fantastic to be a black model. I’m very happy that I became the winner of Germany’s next Top-model beside so many beautiful and talented girls. I’m Ethiopian through my parents that’s a fact and I’m absolutely proud of it. But I can’t imagine that my skin color had a big effect for my victory at this show .
TADIAS: Where do you see yourself in a few years?
Sara: It is quite difficult to predict a career, but I have a reliable agency and already great jobs and four big campaigns to work for. Of course, it is desirable for every model to be successful in the international model business. But I am someone who is down to earth and I, of course, will work hard and be calm and serene in attending to my ways.
TADIAS: Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?
Sara: Thank you to everyone who believed in me. And, yes, just like I said stay true to yourself and never forget were you came from.
TADIAS: Good luck Sara.
Sara: Thank you very much and all the best.
Sara Nuru – One of Her First Interviews After Her Victory
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Congratulations dearest Sara. You are beautiful and brilliant. Germany is proud of you and Ethiopians are even more proud. Good luck on all your future adventures. May god’s grace be always with you!
Cheers, Cheers, Cheers!!
Hi sara;
mein herzliches Glückwünsch aus München;
Du bist die beste , mach weiter so,
It is nice to have a wonderful people like you from Ethiopia atleast it will change the bad image of our country.
enjoy your life , keep cool, save money and open your eyes and give a chance the poor girls at home,….
She deserved it!
Hi Tadias
She is born in Munich, Germanay But her family, They are Ethiopians.
Here is what she says on the second part of the above video @
More of Sara Nuru on EthioTube: http://www.ethiotube.net/tags/sara_nuru
I thank the organizers, the young people who voted for Sarah and all the folks who are behind this event for appreciating the beauty, cute mind and loveliness of this girl. Congratulations Sarah! God bless Germany! God bless Ethiopia!
Sara or (sunshine )
Herzliche Gluckwunche sara nuru!!!!
Congratulation Sara,You are so beautiful and smart
Germany is proud of u and Ethiopian also your family.
Herzliche Glucwunche
du bist die beste
We love you (USA)
congratulation Sara. You are so beautiful and a successful Next Top Model.
God bless you!
Dearest Sara and family,
I would like to congratulate you on your success and hope your next stop will be Hollywood. Go and get them Girl!
May god bless you and your family.
Nice. I also like the other Ethiopian down there who greeted her. Once thing I know Germans know how to celebrate. Haha
hi, sara du hast es geschafft mach nur weiter so Äthiopien steht hinter Dir .
We are delighted by the result and we would like to say thanks for the organizers on behalf of our audiences. Sara Nuru is our special citizen.We love you Sara!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn’t watch the show cause I was here in Addis but I know that you have brains and personality to go along with that awesome beauty of yours! We’re head over heels happy and even more proud of you!
Ahmed, Ethiopia
you are a wonderful girl sara! Do go to holywood & do the best you could do.
Congratulations Sara. Keep it up!
I would like to congratulate you on your success, You are so beautiful
Congratulation Sara!!! I wish you all the luck in the world. You are a beautiful, intelligent young lady. Please stay as nice as you are. May God take care of you, and shower you with many blessings.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Having lived in Germany for many years, I have never imagined they would vote for a dark skinned person in any contest.
Congratulations My Ethiopian sister, I am sure you will use your God Given Beauty And Personality for the good cause of helping your country and change it’s image, I wish you all the beast, Good Luck Sara and May God guide you and protect yo on your New experience for Life.
congratulation sara you are from beautiful inside and out. Ethiopians are proud of you…just the beginning….
Congragdulation. This is such a great achievment and I am happy for you. I am sure next stop will be New York
Thanks Sara , you are revealing the other side of the story.thanks the organizers too for their effort .I hope you be a bridge b/n Ethiopia and the beloved Germany and or b/n Africa and Europe, Ambassador Sara.
Sara Nuru:
Daughter of Ethiopia(Abyssinia)-and outcome of the blessed Germany.
You made your country Ethiopia proud.
God bless you and bless the womb of the Ethiopan mother that gave birth to Queen Sara. (God bless your dad gash Nuru.)
I wish I could speak Germany. I only understood the where are you from question, her response for that, and the comment. Go go go Kongo sarah. Habesha Kongo!
I would like to congratulate sara on your success, You are so beautiful
Mein herzliches Glückwünsch aus Canada
Keep it up
I would like to say congratulations to Sara. I was looking at GOOGLE news this morning. I usually does that all the time. Many times i come across news not worthy of mentioning, especially for Ethiopians. But today, i read this beautiful article i would like to share and talk about it.
To win out of all those 21 thousand beautiful blondes shows that she has all the package.
She is stunningly beautiful and very articulate. God bless Germany for being very fair. Last time another 19 year old was crowned Africa’s beauty in Beijing and today Sara, also 19, was crowned the best in Germany. America watch out, it is you next. What a good image for Ethiopia. These are good ambassadors for tourism in Ethiopia. God bless you.
Sup dearest treasured Sarah!I am pleased with it! We are proud of you! Keep it up! I wish you bright future and all the best!! MAY GOD BLESS ETHIOPIA AND GERMANY!”.
Best wishes and kind regards!
Daniel from Germany
Congratulation, Sara
Wasington, Dc USA
Sara Nuru,
Du warst die beste, die schönste und eleganteste der Nacht.
Ein äthiopiescher Schatz!
Translation: (You were the best, the most beautiful and most elegant of the night).
Ras Adauto Berlin
23.mai 2009
ethio oromos are proud of you!
I am of Armenian background but was born in Addis Ababa in 1946. My father and family all went to Ethiopia during Menelik time. I was 26 when I left Addis and came to the USA. I am a proud Ethiopian. I speak, write and read Amharic and consider myself Ethiopian. When I saw your news I was very very happy for you and proud to see that Ethiopians are starting to make great positive news in the world. My advise to you is don’t forget your parents, your country your heritage and do some good to the deserving poor in Ethiopia. God has blessed you. Enjoy your life and do well and smile.
hi Sara, well done and congratulations!
Hi Sara Herzliche Glückwünsch aus München mache weitter du bist so süß,
Congratulations to Sara… May God be with you and protect you for whatever you are about to experience. We are proud of you and we are proud of Germany as well.
Thanks to the organizers of this event.
Hi sara i’m very proud of u.may God bless u
Hi Sara
Congradulations I am very much happy and proud of you … God bless you.
Become a Fan of SARA NURU on Facebook page
Congratulations to Sara on your jubilant triumph!
Congratulations to Germany on its bold move from toleration towards an embraced acceptance of diversity!
Way to go girl!!!!!!!!!!
i am really proud of you keep going so you can be the next world top model. i am sure you will do it!
Congratulations yena habisha ihut. Gobez nesh. You make us proud! Keep rising to the top.
Nnegest Likke
Writer/Director Phat Girlz Movie
congrats sarah..butiful,brilliant and what do i say,u made Germany and most of all Ethipia proud..
sue, Kenya..
Where on earth is this volcanic girl? Your power of sight is magnificent.
Keep up the good deeds!
Hi Sara Nuru
I am very happy for you & your family.
Liebe Sara,
Herzlichen Glückwünsch! Bleib so natürlich wie du bist. Man sieht dass du eine gut erzogene Person bist, also Danke W/O Mulu und Ato Nuru. Alles Gute. Ich wunsche dir viellllllllllll Gluck und Spasssssssssssss für deine Zukunft.
Gruesse aus Berlin.
(Congratulations! Stay as natural as you are. One sees that you have a well-mannered person, so thank you W / O Ato Mulu and Nuru. All the best. I wish you many good luck for your future.)
Greetings from Berlin
ethio oromos are proud of you!
Congratulations Sarah, you did a great job. I loved your smile. I feel like I knew you very well. Your photos are very beautiful. I wish I understood the language; I missed the message of your conversation. It made me crr when you began to cry I really wanted you to win so that we all Ethiopians once again win. Now that it’s all over you can relax and prepare yourself for the commercials. Take care of yourself. Stay healthy and productive, a positive image for your origin, Ethiopia.
Fortunately the choice for Germany’s Next Top Model isn’t based on public opinion, as is the case with DSDS. Sweetie, Sara Honey-Nuru would otherwise have had no chance. Thanks to the fair Jury, who got exactly what they wanted; namely a complete Package.
New York, Milan, Paris, Barcelona … WATCH OUT !!!
goood for her but it is like a politically correct choice for germany the first black bla bla thing …………..
Congra dear sister,
I am not surprised why they voted for you. You are the modern queen makeda (sheba) who left her country to get more wisdom.
Do not forget your motherland and your people. They are very proud of you and you love them too.
proud of you…….
You carried urself so well all along the season….the final was just an icing on a cake ….
You weren’t just a model….u also have the modeling a lifestyle…and u might have won the former officially but most importantly u won the later in all Ethiopians heart.
Congrats and Stay beautiful
She is of a Germany citizenship which means she is not ETHIOPIAN. Just like President Obama is not a kenyan. Please get the basic fact right people.
I would like to say congratulations to Sara. You are very beautiful and I am really proud of you. Keep going so you are the world top model. Well done!
Here in Australia…we are heaps proud of you Sara. Well done!
Congratulations Sarah Nuru! Enjoy your LR Health and Beauty Systems Perfume!
HI SARA Congratulations I am proud of you. GOD BE WITH YOU.
Congratulation on your victory. U really deserve it; u r so much beautiful physically and mentally.
Looking forward to your next activity in Ethiopia.
mein herzliches Glückwünsch aus Aethiopien addis abeba;
Wako Wondimu
Before I even saw your name ,I said this is an Ethiopian . Congrats Beautiful girl . Your parents must be really proud .
Sara Nuru Hussen
Herzlich Glueck Wuensch From your’s Family Abubeker
I am happy that there is someone one step before us (ETHIOPIANS) and am in love with ur beauty plus ur inner thoughts as i read it.
keep it up. god b wit u.
lov u.
c u.
hi sara congrtulatons
Hi Sara congradulations on your outstanding victory. You make all Ethiopians proud. You are an example for others. I wish you well in future endavour. Keep it up!
Congratulations beautiful Sara. I was so happy to see you win. May God bless you and protect you. May God also bless beautiful Germany and the beautiful German people who
voted for you.
Your fellow Ethiopian sister from USA
Hi Sara congradulations.I am proud of you. yeap you are the sunshine of all Ethiopian girls.
may your will progress more.
soni from Asossa, ETHIOPA
She is sooooo beautiful…. we are so proud of you and u deserve it. Ethiopia has got some one who could change its bad image. go take over the world
I would like to congratulate you on your success and I hope your next stop will be here. Congratulation Sara!!! I wish you all the luck in the world. You are a beautiful, intelligent young lady. Please stay as nice as you are. May God take care of you, and shower you with many blessings. congratulations My Ethiopian sister, I am sure you will use your God Given Beauty And Personality for the good cause of helping your country and change it’s image, I wish you all the beast, Good Luck Sara and May God guide you and protect on your New experience for Life.
Mobile phone 251-09 11 73 74 55
P.O.BOX 378
Congratulations Sara. I am proud to be Ethiopian. U showed the world that Eth is the place were beauties emminate.
Congratulations Sara You are so beautiful and brilliant.
Congratulations Sara.I am proud of you,I am very much happy and proud of you … God bless you.embete teketlsh!!!!
Hi! u Sara. really we are proud of you. u really beautiful girl. keep doing, keep going.
Thank u! A.A
thanks for you and your father to visit oromia where your father born and we are proud of you!!! dont forget your roots.
hey sara yr such great.Im really proud of you
Oh MY God, she is amazing, it doesn’t matter where she is from.But guys she is, not just because she is Ethiopian. She is just beautiful. Ethiopia,Oromia,Ethiopia-…..bla bla is that so Important? For me it is like being rich by Alahmudin’s dollar.
She is German by the way, LOL
She is Great!
I found her group here : –
its cool group
hi,Sara, i was crying when i watched the final. when your name called as a winner, i cried even more! what a beauty! you made us(black people) proud!im sure every ethiopians are proud! God bless you!
I love you!!
sarina don’t forget your GOD it is work of god.
Thank you…
She is an Oromo not ethiopian.
She is very lovely. Ich liebe Dich.
I am sorry to the persons debating over Sara’s ethnicity. Whether she is Oromo, Amhara, Tigre or Gurage. This should not be your concern, but simply proud of her but in reality she is Oromo from Jimmaa Abbaa Jifaar.
Sara thanks for making us so proud. You made all Africans very happy. For those who has so much time and energy to divide us. Sara is a real Ethiopian. Please don’t poison her mind with your sickness. You are sick.
How sad is that? Hard to believe that you are still paralized by your narrow mind. Don’t you get that Sara is about unity. She has no problem saying that she is Ethiopian. Don’t you get it? Shut up and put up. Ethiopia is Ethiopia not Oromo not Guragie, not Somali, not Amhara etc… None of that. Ethiopia is Ethiopia!!!!
You all lying she is Somalian from Ethiopia i know her she is on my facebook she speak and writes in somali lang
Really it is great to all Ethiopians!!