Tadias Magazine
By Tadias Staff
Published: Wednesday, June 3, 2009
New York (TADIAS) – The following is an interview with Sarah Nuru, who was crowned Germany’s Top Model last month after she beat out 21,000 contestants to claim the coveted title.
Heidi Klum, the top model host, made the announcement in front of a packed crowd of 15,000 in the Cologne Lanxess Arena.
The 19-year-old fashion model from Munich, whose parents immigrated from Ethiopia, has earned the nickname “Sunshine” from Germany’s Next Top Model, and was wildly popular with her competitors.
Here is our interview with Sara.
TADIAS: Sara, thank you for your time and congratulations on your tremendous
accomplishments. How does it feel to be crowned Germany’s Next Top Model?
Sara: Thank you very much, I feel very happy. Yes it is quite amazing what is going on right now. It will probably take time until I really recognize this amazing development. But so far, it is a wonderful experience and right now a very exciting time for me.
TADIAS: What does this title mean for your future career?
Sara: To be honest, the title is a great door-opener but I will not lay back and enjoy the title . I have a great chance to make the very best of my benefit. Since the 21st of May, the day I became Germany’s next Top-model, I was hardly at home, worked day and night and really enjoyed my new life as a model! That’s how I imagined it.
TADIAS: This is historical in a sense that the media is saying that you are the first black person to be crowned Germany’s Next Top Model. Did you feel additional pressure because of your cultural background?
Sara: Well, I feel honored that you call it “historical”, but I wouldn’t make a big thing of it . For me, it is of course fantastic to be a black model. I’m very happy that I became the winner of Germany’s next Top-model beside so many beautiful and talented girls. I’m Ethiopian through my parents that’s a fact and I’m absolutely proud of it. But I can’t imagine that my skin color had a big effect for my victory at this show .
TADIAS: Where do you see yourself in a few years?
Sara: It is quite difficult to predict a career, but I have a reliable agency and already great jobs and four big campaigns to work for. Of course, it is desirable for every model to be successful in the international model business. But I am someone who is down to earth and I, of course, will work hard and be calm and serene in attending to my ways.
TADIAS: Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?
Sara: Thank you to everyone who believed in me. And, yes, just like I said stay true to yourself and never forget were you came from.
TADIAS: Good luck Sara.
Sara: Thank you very much and all the best.
Sara Nuru – One of Her First Interviews After Her Victory
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My warmest congratulations from Berlin! mein herzliches Glückwünsch aus Berlin;
We are all proud of you my dear sister. You are young, smart, confident and beautiful. The sky is the limit. I admire your determination and may you continue to have the strength to maintain your great human qualities as you move on in life. All the best to you in your all future endeavors. And my deep respect and congratulations to your family for you are a reflection of their love and hard work.
I would like to say congratulations to Sara. You are very beautiful and I am really proud of you, keep going so you are the world top model. Well done.
Wow Sara good interview, and you are so beautiful. I am also proud…fellow Ethiopian from Munich.
Abeba from München.
I am proud of you Sara. Congratulation.
You are so beautiful and modest. We enjoyed seeing you up there (on the stage).
Your beauty radiates.
God Bless you .
You have such a breathtaking beauty, and sound very intelligent reading your interview. Keep up the good work and set a good example for the rest of Ethiopian beauties.
Sara, Job well done! What a delight it was to watch you during the last gripping moments of the show. So many people in the stadium were cheering for you. I was feeling your heart beat and I was just as nervous and too emotional when your face came on the cover of the Cosmopolitan Magazine. As a mother I was just so happy for you but also sensitive toward your gracious competitors. You are Germany’s Top Model and continue on with the same confidence to pursue your dreams in even bigger platforms.
Alexandria, Virginia
Sara, you are very beautiful, and very smart.
From proud Ethiopian.
I am half German and Half Ethiopian. I grew up in the United States and it is so inspiring to me personally to see you embracing both your German and Ethiopian heritage. You are a great example of the changing times and ways of the world. You embody hope. Remain calm, as you said, and anything is possible. Good luck and all the best Sara!
Congratulations Sara we all are proud! Thank you for your determination and success that you brought for all of us especially from Ethiopia! God bless you and Ethiopia.
Baby girl i wish you bright future and all the best. Hope to see you in much higher level soon.
Alexandria, VA
When i see my fellow Ethiopians become successful in any kind of field, i usually tend to cry because most of us know how we grew up in Ethiopia. it is really hard for an Ethiopian young females to be a model; if you ask me why, i would rather leave the answer to Sara. Anyway, congratulations Sara. your tremendous is our victory too. i hope you will also give your piece of advise to other Ethiopian females who wants to be just like you. congratulations!
Congratulation Sara. It is good for Ethiopia , Ethiopian blessing.
It is showing Again and again around the world.
Sara-Great achivement .Proud of you.
Although i am happy for her that she made it here, i don’t see the point of posting her on this website. I know she is Ethiopian and most Ethiopians are proud of her, i would rather see someone who actually did some good to the world, posting a girl that won a modeling contest doesn’t really seem as important, because this win doesn’t do anyone else good except herself.
Congratulations Sara! You are an inspiration to many young Ethiopians (girls and boys) in the the Diaspora. I am 28 and a mother of two beautiful girls raising them on my own in the hustle and bustle of Washington, D.C. I want my girls to have the same determination and skills that you have. I am very proud of you. And yes, you have done more than “some good to the world” by just by being an inspiration. It is no easy challenge to be crowned Germany’s Next Top Model.
We love you Sara!
We are so proud of u girl. U really are a sunshine!!!!!!!!!!!!
dear sis
it is really amazing to see some one like you win this victory , it is unthinkable in German but it is true. That is a really good message to the world and that people are changing. Tank God.
be blessed
Wow ! Your interviews are all great as well… You are truly more than only a GTM beauty… An inspiration to all girls of your age so to say…!
A great admiration to your parents for the modesty in your character which we happened to observe during the heavy challenges of the whole GNTM competition and all the way upto now.!
Keep it up girl…You are on the right track.
congratulations for the title…wow, u r really gorgeous. Well done.
Congratulations Sara. I am glad about your victory. PLEASE, always keep in your heart who made you (God the creator) and give glory to Him. Everything we have while we are in this earth belongs and comes from him. We love you sister and may God Bless your future too.
I was delighted when I read this good news. Sara I would like to say congratulations. Please do more and more to raise up our country Ethiopia b/c you are Ethiopian through your parents.
Muluken Kemissie
Hi I am proud of you as model,,it is great success..as u said you have to work hard to get more the sky is the limit.keep up u effort
We love Sara because she makes us feel proud of ourselves.
sara u u so Miraculous and a big sign(Symbol) for all Ethiopians
wow you are the beutifull girl in the world.keep on moving.
She won Germany’s Top Model. Great! What does she plan to do help Ethiopia?
You are really a top model. Beautiful and intelligent. That you won confirms that Germany and its people have changed by embracing you as German.
Good luck in everything.
You did it. I did not expect to see a girl from Ethiopia to became the next Germen top model. I hope you will do all the best for your country.
menn temeslalech,gobez!
hey sarah i appreciate wat ur doin .am from uganda bt based in ethiopia.i saw ur interview on tv en i wanted to get to know u beta.keep makin us proud.
You gave us confidence that we have lots for years not only we Ethiopians should be proud Africa as a whole should be proud,GOOD LUCK
Yegermal eko, Gobez!
dear john.. i don’t want to leave no comment but your Q. drove me to give you clear answer.. she is helping Ethiopia.. not only visiting you can find her work on http://www.ichwillgerechtigkeit.de … its her Fund website.. ” Generation ABC-2015”working
with one of the most knowen charity called.. Mänchen für Mänchen in ethiopia.. she is working to help those kids who couldn’t find a chance to learn .. Building school…etc…. all I can say is she is not only Beautyful hmmm I am speachless.. Sara I really admier and Love you dear .. may God be with you.. and guied you where ever you go.. angel!
you are truely “konjo”
bewnet konjo nesh.
ur fashion is so faboulous