Above: Painting by Tesfaye Negusse (36X76, Oil on Canvas).
Tadias Magazine
Events News
Published: Monday, October 26, 2009
New York (Tadias) – A new gallery specializing in emerging and established Ethiopian artists will open this weekend in Atlanta on the historic Bennett Street, the city’s vibrant antiques and arts district.
Hanatzeb Ethiopian Art Gallery will celebrate its opening with an inaugural exhibition featuring artist Tesfaye Negusse.
The owners hope to grow their gallery in a spirit of collaboration with the artist community:
“While this is just a beginning we hope will be well received by the community at large, we have lined up a number of incredibly talented artists who live here in the U.S. as well as in Ethiopia to come and display their beautiful work of art,” Hanatzeb notes on its website.
“We invite all to help us in this endeavor and be part in the task of painting Ethiopia…”
The opening reception is scheduled for Saturday, October 31,
from 6-10pm and Sunday, November 1, from 2 -6pm.
If You Go:
Ethiopian Art Gallery
49-B Bennett Street NW.
Atlanta, GA 30309
Phone: 404.352.4373 or 404.808.8946
Related Art Talk
Video: Catch Julie Mehretu on PBS- Watch the episode on October 28
at 10pm (ET) on PBS (check local listings).
Congrats Atlanta!
Ethiopians in Atlanta need to be congratulated for this.
Atlanta is fast becoming a center for ethiopian and Ethiopian – American activities.
Do you here DC ethios?