Above: Zerihun Muche with his mother Turieh Berihun
By Daily Mail Reporter
19th June 2008
An Ethiopian boy who was born ‘inside-out’ has become the living legacy of actress Natascha McElhone’s plastic surgeon husband, who died of a heart condition last month.
Zerihun Muche, five, was born with his bladder and several other internal organs on the outside of his body and was destined for life as an outcast.
But surgeon Martin Kelly’s intervention led to radical surgery and now Zerihun can look forward to a vastly improved life.
Mr Kelly, 42, met Zerihun while filming a documentary in Ethiopia in 2006 in his role as the founder of Facing The World, a charity dedicated to helping children with complex medical conditions.
Above: The late Martin Kelly with
actress wife Natascha McElhone
Mr Kelly made sure the boy received help, referring him to experts at Great Ormond Street Hospital and the Portland Hospital.
Surgeons were so moved by Zerihun’s plight that they treated him for free and have now set up their own charity to help other children from developing countries who suffer from his condition. Read More.
Its stories like this one which seem to cancel the most negative news about humans. Man is capable of such magnificant acts of kindness when given opportunity to do so.