The Associated Press
Published: June 20, 2008
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia: Opposition politicians are forming a party similar to the alliance that presented the most credible challenge to date to Prime Minister Meles Zenawi’s 17-year hold on power, the party’s leader said on Friday.
The Unity for Democracy and Justice party will contest the 2010 general elections and is confident of winning, said Birtukan Midekssa, the party’s chairwoman.
Many of the people who made up the main opposition alliance that won the most seats that any opposition group has won in the Ethiopian lower house of Parliament in 17 years are now members of the Unity for Democracy and Justice party, Birtukan told journalists.
“If you talk about the minds and the hearts of the people, I don’t think the (ruling party) is bigger than us,” Birtukan said. “If you talk about the head count, maybe.”
Birtukan said they have applied to the National Electoral Board to be registered as a party. Read More.
In the last decade there was so many weak parties like Unity for Democracy and Justice. So what’s new?
In the Umbrela of KINIJIT Birtukan and her fellows have no voice.
Weak parties only important for EPRDF… Like Beyene Petros.
Well, I think this is a great news. Of course, we always have to be very cautious, but I think this news suggests that the Opposition is getting its act together. Frankly, there might even be an outside approval, perhaps from North America, to give it a shot one more time, except that this time,less than the top office for Birtukan will not be acceptable.
I predict the new party will give the gov a surprise play in democracy. We will see.
Having an opposition party is great step to getting closer to a democracy people should have choice rather than one old party in power for ever, its time to imitate the west rather than be stuck in the stone ages
it is good for our democracy and to destroy the meles regime. On the other hand, please tell me about dr.brihanu ginbot 7?