The Ottawa Citizen
Published: Saturday, July 19, 2008
To get an idea of the burden weighing on Bekele Geleta, consider the heartbreaking inventory of human disaster around the world right now, all the people struggling to survive and regroup and rebuild after earthquakes, cyclones, famine, cholera and on. It’s his job to get help to them, all at once.
Bekele is the new secretary general of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the international symbol of rescue and relief, the world’s largest humanitarian organization.
He doesn’t just oversee the teams that put tents and tarps and food parcels into the hands of desperate people; he must persuade diverse — often competing — groups to work efficiently together, he must get them the tools they need when they need them, and he must convince global power brokers to pay attention and pay up. Read More.
TADIAS Interview with Bekele Geleta
Congratulations on the marriage of Jefare Bekele. Say hello to Teshaye & your family.
We congratulate you in your achievement thus far and for the more that will come. We wish Bekele Geleta all the best in his new Position.
God Bless
I am very proud of you
I met Belele the first time in the late 80ties – at this time he was the Secretary General of the Ethiopian Red Cross Society under Dr. David (President). In 1988, I returned to Ethiopia – Bekele was still in place. 1991 Mengistu was overthrown – there was still Bekele….
I would like to know under which regime Bekele has suffered in prison for five years.
Hi Ato Bekele,
How are you? I am proud of you. My name is Arefaine Abrha. Do you remember me? I was with you in prison.
God bless you.
Hi Bekele,
Congratulations from an old Malaysian friend @ Seton House, Boddington Hall, Leeds.
Hi Bekele,
I am very proud of you as Ethiopian. Congratulations on your achievement. I have read about your profile on web. Ethiopia needs some one like you to lead specially on your experience on policy advice, managment in humanierian level.
I wish you all the best on your challenging work
Ephrem Gorsa
Hi Bekele:
I know I am late but I would like to express my heart felt congratulations on your ascent to be the boss of the Red Cross. Knowing you, I am not surprised in your achievements for I knew that you will be somebody in your life. Back at Ethio-Franco Railway enterprise you showed a remarkable grasp of managing the ailing French railway which had been struggling with the smallest gauge for more than 60 years. I have been proud of you since then! May God almighty protect you and your family. My special greetings to your lovely wife.
With my best regards