In Memory of Artist Azeb Zekiros: 1950 – 2011

Azeb Zekiros with an unfinished painting of hers in 2008. (Photo: The Women's Resource Group)

Tadias Magazine
Art Talk

Updated: Sunday, November 13, 2011

New York (TADIAS) – Ethiopian-born visual artist Azeb Zekiros, who was one of the most active members of the Diaspora artists community, died suddenly on Monday, November 7th. She was 61 years old.

Sheba Azeb Zekiros left Ethiopia in her early teens and came to the US in 1967. She went to school in California and later attended the Art Students League in New York where she concentrated in drawing and painting. She received an Associate of Science degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from SUNY Empire State College in 2001, and Bachelor of Science degree in Community and Human Services. Azeb completed many credits through evaluation of her prior learning, and translated her knowledge of art and languages into college credit.

She was an employee of the American Association of Retired Persons.

In her artistic career spanning four decades, she has exhibited her works in several venues in the East Coast, including a one woman show at the Milestone Gallery; Black Burn Center, Howard University; Department of Education; Fondo Del Sol; The Meridian House International; Lansburgh’s Cultural Center; and the Harvard Kennedy School. She has lived in England, France, Denmark and Switzerland. In 1986 she was featured as part of the ‘Contemporary African Artists’ show at the United Nations.

In describing a few artists she admires, Azeb highlighted Skunder Boghossian and Julie Mehretu in a comment posted last February. “Julie Mehretu’s paintings are great, her sense of colors, space and time is amazing,” she said. “Even though they have different styles, I have been an admirer of Julie and Skunder’s work.” She added: “As a painter, I get inspired by Julie’s energetic expressions.”

Below are paintings by Azeb Zekiros:

Nubian Woman by Azeb Zekiros, 2007.

New York by Azeb Zekiros.

If You Go:
Funeral Service
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Service: 11:00-1:00
Interment: 1:00-2:00
Reception/Repass: 2:15-4:00
National Funeral Home
7482 Lee Highway
Falls Church, VA 22042
(703) 560-4400

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