Harlem excited about Obama, but apprehensive about his chances.

Photo: Hong/AP (If elected, Sen. Barack Obama would be
America’s first black president).


Thursday, October 30th 2008, 10:36 AM

Kevin Williams hopes Barack Obama will win on Election Day, but he isn’t convinced enough white Americans will cast a ballot to elect the nation’s first black President.

“I’m definitely skeptical – you still can’t quite trust it,” said Williams, a 40-year-old teacher, as he left the Golden Krust bakery in Harlem. “I’ll believe it when I see it. I’m still waiting for the other shoe to drop.”

Williams, who worked for a pollster in college, said he knows survey participants “are not necessarily being honest or truthful.”

Many echo his sentiment.

Dozens of black voters along Harlem’s 125th St. – Manhattan’s African-American nerve center – were enthusiastic about Obama, but apprehensive about his chances.

Obama wields a 6-point average national lead, RealClearPolitics says, and polls show he’s ahead or tied in eight key battleground states. Read More.

1 Response to “Harlem excited about Obama, but apprehensive about his chances.”

  1. 1 Doro Wet Oct 31st, 2008 at 12:53 am

    We ill see who will be the president next week, the poll show Obama will win 100%, but you never know what will happen. Lets just hope he wins. With God help he will lead USA for the next 8 years!
    God Bless Obama!

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