Tadias Magazine
Events News
Published: Tuesday, May 7th, 2013
Washington, D.C. (TADIAS) – Cuso International, a Canada-based development organization that is one of North America’s largest non-profit groups promoting long-term development through volunteers, is seeking skilled Diaspora professionals to place in Ethiopia. Cuso announced that it will be hosting an information session at its Washington, D.C. office on Thursday, May 9th.
“We are currently implementing a project called Diaspora for Development (DfD); which is a livelihoods-development initiative co-sponsored by USAID and Accenture,” said Kayla Sainato, Program Support Officer at Friends of Cuso International in DC. “Under this project we are looking to place up to 12 Ethiopian diaspora professionals based in the U.S. in a variety of capacity-building roles in Ethiopia for 3 months.”
According the organization the goal of the project is to help equip beneficiaries in Ethiopia with skills that will enhance their access to employment and other opportunities. “We are looking for professionals with skills in enterprise development, small business management, microfinance, youth and women’s economic empowerment, market development etc., to lead these volunteer placements,” Sainato said.
In order to recruit volunteers, Friends of Cuso International will be hosting an Information Session in their Washington, DC office on Thursday, May 9th.
If You Go:
When: Thursday, May 9th 2013 at 7pm
Where: 1101, 15th Street NW 3rd Floor,
Washington D.C
To Register, call 202-833-1169
More info at www.cusointernational.org
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