Ethiopians Shame Saudi Arabia On Twitter For Inhumane Treatment Of Migrant Workers

(Photo: Stringer / Reuters)

Tadias Magazine
News Update

Wednesday, November 13, 2013.

New York (TADIAS) — Ethiopians have taken to Twitter to express their outrage and draw much needed attention to the ongoing brutal treatment of tens of thousands of migrant workers stuck in Saudi Arabia. So far police and vigilante civilians have killed at least three Ethiopian citizens.

BuzzFeed highlighted a Twitter campaign that started yesterday with a message from user Abdi Lemessa who wrote: “#SomeoneTellSaudiArabia to stop killing our brothers and sisters.”

The hashtag has since ignited a social media storm over the kingdom’s abuse of migrant workers.

Below are several tweets:

NYC Ethiopians Make Presence Felt at the Saudi Mission to the United Nations (TADIAS)
Ethiopians demonstrate outside Saudi embassy in London (BBC News)
Photos: Ethiopians Hold Protest Outside Saudi Embassy in Washington, D.C. (TADIAS)
Ethiopians: #SomeoneTellSaudiArabia to Stop Immigration Crackdown (Global Voices)
23,000 Ethiopians ‘Surrender’ in Saudi After Clamp Down (BBC)
Saudi Arabian Immigrant Crackdown: 23,000 Ethiopians Surrender to Authorities (AFP)
23,000 undocumented Ethiopians surrender to authorities (Arab News)
Ethiopians Shame Saudi Arabia On Twitter (TADIAS)
Three Ethiopians Killed in Saudi Arabia in Visa Crackdown (AFP)

Video shows mass exodus of immigrants in Saudi Arabia

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