It is thrilling to know that our introductory issue was well received by our readers. The numerous positive feedbacks were beyond our expectations. "I am grateful to Tadias's immense contribution to our growing community", said a reader from Nashville Tennessee. "As a father, I am reassured that my child will grow-up to be proud of her heritage and be inspired by the extraordinary Ethiopians like Amsale." Some offered their compliments. As one reader put it, "Quality should be the name of your magazine. Keep up the good work and know that we are cheering for you." Others gave constructive criticism, "There are some things missing", one advised. "Every magazine has an editorial and a back-page column. You might want to consider creating a 'tech' section." Responses like these are what invigorate our commitment to continue this service to our community. We trust that this is only the start of an enduring relationship with our audience.
In this issue we remember the 107th anniversary of Adwa. Our history section is dedicated to the awe-inspiring contributions of Ethiopian women in military affairs. "Queens, Spies, and Servants" is a review piece by Tseday Alehegn that explores the role of Ethiopian women in major battles that kept Ethiopia unconquered for time immemorial.
In the same spirit, we inaugurate a new section entitled "The Diaspora". We hear from the people that gave us Little-Ethiopia, the Los Angeles neighborhood that became the first U.S. locality to be named after an African nation. It is our desire that this remarkable achievement will set off comparable efforts in other Ethiopian communities across America and hopefully in others parts of the world.
We also introduce two new sections: A column dealing with contemporary health issues that directly affect our community, and "CTO's Corner", a feature that gives us a glimpse of new innovations in the High-Tech sector and a quick look at selected equipments that could have mass use in the Ethiopian-American community.
In our cover story, Tasnim Fidali chronicles the exceptional life of Marcus Samuelsson. His journey from being orphaned in Ethiopia to his current position as co-owner and Executive Chef of Aquavit, one of New York's most prominent restaurants, is a classic example of the American dream. We expect his story will feed the imagination of others to follow in his footsteps.
We hope you will find this issue to your liking and we look forward to reading your submissions to our Speak Out section.
The Team
Culinary Genius: The Story of Marcus Samuelsson |
"You should always try and also allow yourself to fail". This is the principle that Aquavit's co-owner and Executive Chef, Marcus Samuelsson, follows in his creative kitchen, where taste, texture, and aesthetics are put to the test and the outcome is a crisp taco filled with smoked herring served on a marble tablet or osetra caviar placed on broken glass. Innovative taste accompanied by flamboyant presentation is his trademark.
The Ethiopian-born and Swedish-raised Chef aims to create an unforgettable experience with every meal he serves by adding a touch of drama. With his brush, something he has had since childhood, he displays his artistic talent on plates, tiles, glass bricks, and other items that exist in everyday culture to enhance his out-of-the-ordinary presentation. Flavor that invigorates the palette is what inspires Chef Samuelsson, and to achieve this, he experiments with ingredients from around the world. He has revolutionized modern and classic Scandinavian cuisine by blending uncommon flavors, yet staying true to the basics. continued...
Dear Tadias, I just checked your magazine
and website and I'm very impressed. It is well organized
and well written. I'll definitely save it on my
"favorites" list. In your future issues, I recommend
that you cover the annual Ethiopian film festival.
I am looking forward for volume 2 of your magazine.
Mr. Abdul Via the Internet
Hello Tadias! While composing
a letter in response to one of your articles entitled
"An African Writing system", a number of things
came to my mind. One of which was of course, the
future of your newly born magazine. And I said to
myself with these good-looking young men and women
on board, nothing unpleasant is expected to come
about to Tadias. So I concluded, Tadias will be
a shining example for the Diaspora. Good luck and
I wish you the all best.
Aba-Nebso Via the Internet
It is a pretty good start
for a new magazine. The cover, content, photos,
etc., stand out, and are very professional. The
website looks very nice and has a good usability.
Now, there are some things that are missing: every
magazine has an editorial and a back-page column.
In addition, the index has to be the first page
of the magazine. I am sure the business side is
tough. I know because I have helped start other
publications. You might want to consider creating
a "tech" section. Keep it up.
Demiss Taye Via the Internet
I am grateful to Tadias's
immense contribution to our growing community. As
a father, I am reassured that my child will grow-up
to be proud of her heritage and be inspired by the
extraordinary Ethiopians like Amsale, who was featured
on the cover of your magazine. Indeed the future
seems bright. Keep it up.
Hailu Negusey Nashville, Tennessee
continued... |